You can get more insights into the performance of your Managed Service for TimescaleDB database by monitoring it using Prometheus, a popular open source metrics-based systems monitoring solution.

Before you begin, make sure you have:

  • Created a service in your Managed Service for TimescaleDB account.
  • Made a note of the Portand Host for your service.
  1. In MST Portal, choose a project and navigate to Integration Endpoints.

  2. In the Integration endpoints page, navigate to Prometheus, and click Create new.

  3. In the Create new Prometheus endpoint dialog, complete these fields:

    • In the Endpoint name field, type a name for your endpoint.
    • In the Username field, type your username.
    • In the Password field, type your password.
    • Click Create to create the endpoint.

    These details are used when setting up your Prometheus installation, in the prometheus.yml configuration file. This allows you to make this Managed Service for TimescaleDB endpoint a target for Prometheus to scrape.

  4. Use this sample configuration file to set up your Prometheus installation, by substituting <PORT>, <HOST>, <USER>, and <PASSWORD> with those of your Managed Service for TimescaleDB instance:

    scrape_interval: 10s
    evaluation_interval: 10s
    - job_name: prometheus
    scheme: https
    - targets: ['<HOST>:<PORT>']
    insecure_skip_verify: true
    username: <USER>
    password: <PASSWORD>
    - url: "http://<HOST>:9201/write"
    - url: "http://<HOST>:9201/read"
  5. In the Managed Service for TimescaleDB portal, navigate to Services and select the service you want to monitor.

  6. In the Integrations tab, go to External integrations section and select Prometheus.

  7. In the Prometheus integrations dialog, select the Prometheus endpoint that you created.

  8. Click Enable.

    The Prometheus endpoint is listed under Enabled integrations for the Managed Service for TimescaleDB instance.


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