You use Timescale Console to create and manage Timescale services. Each service is a single 100% PostgreSQL database with usage-based storage.

Timescale Cloud offers the following PostgreSQL optimized database services:

  • Time-series and Analytics: a Timescale DB instance optimized for your time-series and analytics workloads.
  • Dynamic PostgreSQL: for all other workloads. A PostgreSQL instance with a dynamic compute range aligned to your business needs.

This section shows you how to create a Timescale service, then connect to your service using either a secure Cloud SQL editor in Timescale Console, or command line tools.

To set up Timescale:

  1. Sign up for a 30 day free trial.

    You receive a confirmation email in your inbox.

  2. In the confirmation email, click the link supplied and sign in to Timescale Console.

    Answer the requirements questions, they help us optimize the Timescale service for your use case. You can now create a Timescale service.

Now that you have an active Timescale account, you can create and manage your services in Timescale Console:

  1. In the service creation page, choose Time Series and Analytics or Dynamic PostgreSQL.

  2. In Create a service, configure your service, then click Create service.

    Your service is constructed immediately and is ready to use.

  3. Click Download the config and store the configuration information you need to connect to this service in a secure location.

    This file contains the passwords and configuration information you need to connect to your service from the command line, or third party database administration tools. You can also connect to your service from Timescale Console using our Cloud SQL editors.

  4. Follow the service creation wizard.

If you choose to go directly to the service overview, Check your service and connect to it shows you how to connect.

To ensure a Timescale service is running correctly:

  1. Check your service

    In Timescale Console, select a service and check that it is marked as Running.

    Check service is running

  2. Connect to your service

    Use either:

    • A Cloud SQL editor from Timescale Console:

      • SQL editor: in Timescale Console, click SQL editor. You can now run queries for this service.
      • PopSQL: in Timescale Console, click PopSQL, then follow the instructions to easily connect to this service with PopSQL.
    • The command line:

      • psql: connect to your service with the value of Service URL from the config file you just saved:

        psql "postgres://tsdbadmin:<PASSWORD>@<HOST>:<PORT>/tsdb?sslmode=require"

    You are connected to your service and can issue commands.

  3. Create a PostgreSQL table

    Copy the following into your SQL editor, then run your query:

    CREATE TABLE stocks_real_time (
    symbol TEXT NOT NULL,
    day_volume INT NULL
  4. Check that the table exists

    • SQL editor: run the following query:

      SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables where table_name = 'stocks_real_time';

      You see the table listed in the UI.

    • PopSQL: the table is automatically displayed when you run the CREATE query.

    • psql: run the \dt command. You see the table listing for your service. To disconnect, type exit.

Quick recap, you find configuration information about your services in Services section in Timescale Console, you find configuration and security information in your config file.

And that is it, you are up and running. Enjoy developing with Timescale.

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