Datadog is a popular cloud-based monitoring service. You can send metrics to Datadog using a metrics collection agent for graphing, service dashboards, alerting, and logging. Managed Service for TimescaleDB can send data directly to Datadog for monitoring. Datadog integrations are provided free of charge on Managed Service for TimescaleDB.

You need to create a Datadog API key, and use the key to enable metrics for your Managed Service for TimescaleDB service.


Datadog logging is not currently supported on Managed Service for TimescaleDB.

Before you begin, make sure you have:

  • Created a service in your Managed Service for TimescaleDB account.
  • Signed up for Datadog, and can log in to your Datadog dashboard.
  • Created an API key in your Datadog account. For more information about creating a Datadog API key, see Datadog API and Application Keys.

To integrate Managed Service for TimescaleDB with Datadog you need to upload the API key that you generated in your Datadog account to Managed Service for TimescaleDB.

  1. In MST Portal, choose the project you want to connect to Datadog, and click Integration Endpoints.
  2. Select Datadog, then choose Create new.
  3. In Add new Datadog service integration. complete these details:
    • In the Endpoint integration section, give your endpoint a name, and paste the API key from your Datadog dashboard. Ensure you choose the site location that matches where your Datadog service is hosted.
    • Optional: In the Endpoint tags section, you can add custom tags to help you manage your integrations.
  4. Click Add endpoint to save the integration.
    Add Datadog endpoint

When you have successfully added the endpoint, you can set up one of your services to send data to Datadog.

  1. Sign in to your Managed Service for TimescaleDB portal, and navigate to Services and select the service you want to monitor.

  2. In the Integrations tab, go to External integrations section and select Datadog Metrics.

  3. In the Datadog integration dialog, select the Datadog endpoint that you created.

  4. Click Enable.

    The Datadog endpoint is listed under Enabled integrations for the Managed Service for TimescaleDB instance.

When you have your Datadog integration set up successfully, you can use the Datadog dashboard editor to configure your visualizations. For more information, see the Datadog Dashboard documentation.


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