Managed Service for TimescaleDB supports many PostgreSQL extensions. See available extensions for a full list.

You can add a supported extension to your database from the command line.


Some extensions have dependencies. When adding these, make sure to create them in the proper order.


Some extensions require disconnecting and reconnecting the client connection before they are fully available.

  1. Connect to your database as the tsdbadmin user.
  2. Run CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS <extension_name>.

These extensions are available on Managed Service for TimescaleDB:

  • address_standardizer
  • address_standardizer_data_us
  • aiven_extras (logical replication support)
  • bloom
  • btree_gin
  • btree_gist
  • chkpass
  • citext
  • cube
  • dblink
  • dict_int
  • earthdistance
  • fuzzystrmatch
  • hstore
  • intagg
  • intarray
  • isn
  • ltree
  • pg_buffercache
  • pg_cron
  • pg_partman (PostgreSQL 10 and older)
  • pg_prometheus (PostgreSQL 10 and newer)
  • pg_repack (PostgreSQL 10 and newer)
  • pg_stat_statements
  • pg_trgm
  • pgcrypto
  • pgrouting
  • pgrowlocks
  • pgstattuple
  • plcoffee
  • plls
  • plperl
  • plv8 (PostgreSQL 10 and older)
  • postgis
  • postgis_address_standardizer
  • postgis_sfcgal
  • postgis_tiger_geocoder
  • postgis_topology
  • postgis_legacy (see notes in this section)
  • postgres_fdw
  • rum
  • sslinfo
  • tablefunc
  • tsearch2
  • tsm_system_rows
  • unaccent
  • unit
  • uuid-ossp
  • wal2json

The postgis_legacy extension is not packaged or supported as an extension by the PostGIS project. Timescale provides the extension package for Managed Service for TimescaleDB.

You can request an extension not on the list by contacting Support. In your request, specify the database service and user database where you want to use the extension.

Untrusted language extensions are not supported. This restriction preserves our ability to offer the highest possible service level. An example of an untrusted language extension is plpythonu.


You can contact Support directly from Managed Service for TimescaleDB. Click the life-preserver icon in the upper-right corner of your dashboard.

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