You can export your Timescale service telemetry to Prometheus.

  1. Connect to the Timescale service as tsdbadmin (using psql or a similar tool).

  2. Create a new user to scrape the metrics from the database using the required permissions:

    a. Create a user named monitoring with the desired password by replacing <password>:

    CREATE USER monitoring WITH PASSWORD '<password>';

    b. Grant pg_read_all_stats to the monitoring user:

    GRANT pg_read_all_stats to monitoring;
  1. Install the postgresql_exporter on a host that you manage to connect to the Timescale service and collect telemetry. Below is an example using Docker to run postgresql_exporter:

    make sure to replace <PASSWORD> with the created password and <TIMESCALE-HOST:PORT> with the timescale service host and port.

    docker run \
    -p 9187:9187 \
    -e DATA_SOURCE_NAME="postgres://monitoring:<PASSWORD>@<TIMESCALE-HOST:PORT>/tsdb?sslmode=require" \

    To reduce latency and potential data transfer costs, best practice is to run postgresql_exporter in the same AWS region as your Timescale Cloud service.

  2. Once the postgresql_exporter is up and running, and successfully connected to the Timescale service, you can configure your Prometheus server to scrape the postgresql_exporter metrics endpoint. This endpoint exposes all the metrics provided by the exporter.

    To view all the exposed metrics, execute curl on the same host:

    curl localhost:9187/metrics

Use the PostgreSQL dashboard to visualize the following metrics:

  • Current QPS
  • Fetched, Returned, Inserted, Updated, Deleted Rows
  • Database Deadlocks and Conflicts
  • Cache Hit Ratio
  • Number of Active Connections
  • Buffers

Furthermore, you can create custom dashboards tailored to your specific needs using the metrics obtained from the Timescale service.


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