You can use PostgreSQL extensions with Timescale. These are the currently supported extensions:
Extension | Description |
bloom | Bloom access method - signature file based index |
btree_gin | Support for indexing common datatypes in GIN |
btree_gist | Support for indexing common datatypes in GiST |
citext | Data type for case-insensitive character strings |
cube | Data type for multidimensional cubes |
dict_int | Text search dictionary template for integers |
dict_xsyn | Text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing |
fuzzystrmatch | Determine similarities and distance between strings |
hstore | Data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs |
intarray | Functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers |
isn | Data types for international product numbering standards |
lo | Large Object maintenance |
ltree | Data type for hierarchical tree-like structures |
pg_stat_statements | Track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed |
pg_trgm | Text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams |
pgaudit | Detailed session and/or object audit logging |
pgcrypto | Cryptographic functions |
pgpcre | Perl-compatible RegEx |
pgrouting | pgRouting Extension |
pgstattuple | Obtain tuple-level statistics |
pgvector | Vector similarity search for PostgreSQL |
plpgsql | SQL procedural language |
postgis | PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions |
postgis_raster | PostGIS raster types and functions |
postgis_sfcgal | PostGIS SFCGAL functions |
postgis_tiger_geocoder | PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder |
postgis_topology | PostGIS topology spatial types and functions |
seg | data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals |
tablefunc | Functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab |
tcn | Triggered change notifications |
timescaledb_toolkit | TimescaleDB Toolkit |
timescaledb | Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data |
tsm_system_rows | TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit |
tsm_system_time | TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit |
unaccent | Text search dictionary that removes accents |
unit | SI Units for PostgreSQL |
uuid-ossp | Generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) |
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