The pgcrypto PostgreSQL extension provides cryptographic functions such as:

  • General hashing
  • Password hashing
  • PGP encryption
  • Raw encryption
  • Random-data

For more information about these functions and the options available, see the pgcrypto documentation.

The pgcrypto extension allows you to encrypt, decrypt, hash, and create digital signatures within your database. Timescale understands how precious your data is and safeguards sensitive information.

  1. Install the pgcrypto extension:

  2. You can confirm if the extension is installed using the \dx command. The installed extensions are listed:

    List of installed extensions
    Name | Version | Schema | Description
    pg_stat_statements | 1.10 | public | track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
    pgcrypto | 1.3 | public | cryptographic functions
    plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
    timescaledb | 2.11.0 | public | Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Community Edition)
    timescaledb_toolkit | 1.16.0 | public | Library of analytical hyperfunctions, time-series pipelining, and other SQL utilities
  3. Create a table named user_passwords:

    CREATE TABLE user_passwords (username varchar(100) PRIMARY KEY, crypttext text);
  4. Insert the values in the user_passwords table and replace <Password_Key> with a password key of your choice:

    INSERT INTO tbl_sym_crypt (username, crypttext)
    VALUES ('user1', pgp_sym_encrypt('user1_password','<Password_Key>')),
    ('user2', pgp_sym_encrypt('user2_password','<Password_Key>'));
  5. You can confirm that the password is encrypted using the command:

    SELECT * FROM user_passwords;

    The encrypted passwords are listed:

    username | crypttext
    user1 | \xc30d040703025caa37f9d1c731d169d240018529d6f0002b2948905a87e4787efaa0046e58fd3f04ee95594bea1803807063321f62c9651cbf0422b04508093df9644a76684b504b317cf633552fcf164f
    user2 | \xc30d0407030279bbcf760b81d3de73d23c01c04142632fc8527c0c1b17cc954c77f16df46022acddc565fd18f0f0f761ddb2f31b21c4ebe47a48039d685287d64506029e027cf29b5493b574df
    (2 rows)
  6. To view the decrypted passwords, replace <Password_Key> with the password key that you created:

    SELECT username, pgp_sym_decrypt(crypttext::bytea, '<Password_Key>')
    FROM user_passwords;

    The decrypted passwords are listed:

    username | pgp_sym_decrypt
    user1 | user1_password
    user2 | user2_password
    (2 rows)


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