This section contains information about how your Timescale account is billed. It also shows you how to add a payment method, or update to a new credit card.

The Enterprise Tier is available to all customers, reach out to your customer success contact person to set this up. For more information, visit here.

Timescale charges based on how much storage you use, so you don't need to choose and pay for a fixed storage size when you create a new service. This means that you also don't need to worry about scaling your disk size as your data grows. You are only charged for the storage space that you actually use. Make sure you use compression, a data retention policy, and tiered storage, to help you manage costs.

This means that you don't need to select a storage size when you create a service, and your services are not locked to a fixed disk size. If you reduce the size of your data through compression, retention policies, or by deleting some of it, your bill is immediately decreased. With this billing system you don't need to scale your storage over time, you can just keep ingesting data as you need to. All Timescale services can store up to 16 TB.

At the end of the month, you are charged for only the storage you have used. Storage charges are calculated according to this formula:

Storage used in GiB * (seconds stored / 3600) * price per hour

Disk usage is metered in 15 minute intervals over an hour to build an average value of hourly data stored. Bills are calculated on a 730 hour month.


If you want to estimate your costs ahead of the billing cycle, you can use the pricing calculator. However, the pricing calculator does not include volume discounts. For a personalized quote, get in touch with Timescale.

If you enable compression, your bill decreases automatically. For example, if compression reduces your storage size by five times, then your effective storage cost is also five times lower. For more information about enabling storage compression, see the compression section.

You do not need to allocate extra disk space for backfilling or migrating your data. Usage-based storage means that disk allocation is not a concern in Timescale. For example, if your recently migrated database requires less disk space after compression, you do not need to downscale your volume. The reduction in your storage bill proportionally matches the reduction in your disk usage.

You can add up to three credit cards to the Wallet and set one of the cards as primary for payments. If you want to delete the last card in the Wallet, you have to first delete all the services and then schedule the last card to be deleted at the end of the month. However, if you are still on trial, you can delete the card in the Wallet without deleting the services.


If you prefer to pay by invoice, or if you are unable to provide a credit card for billing, you can switch your project to corporate billing instead. To switch from credit card to corporate billing, get in contact and request to be changed to corporate billing.

  1. Log in to your Timescale account and navigate to the Billing details section.
  2. In the Wallet section, click Add payment method. If you already have three credit cards saved in the payment methods, you need to delete at least one of them before you start. Click the trash can icon to delete your saved credit card.
  3. Type your credit card details, and click Continue. The Add payment method: billing address page appears.
  4. Type your billing and company addresses. The company address is required to determine any applicable sales tax.
    • If your billing address is the same as your company address, select Billing address is the same as company address, and click Save.
    • If your billing address is not the same as your company address, click Continue. Type your company address, and click Save.
  5. Confirm your new credit card is saved by checking the details on the Billing page. You can update your billing address and company address by clicking the edit icon in the primary payment method. However, you can only edit the billing address on other payment methods.
Adding a payment method in Timescale

The first credit card that you add to the payment method is set as the Primary payment method, by default. After you add other cards to the payment method, click Set as primary to set that card as primary for payments.


The first charge on your new credit card is for the period from the date you added the card, to the end of that calendar month. After that, all payment confirmations are for usage from the first of the month, to the last day of the month.

By default, your payment confirmations are sent to the email address that you used when you signed up. This is also the address that receives alerts about your Timescale services. If you want your payment confirmations to also go to a different email address, for example the email address for your finance department, you can add it in the Billing details section.


When you add a billing email address, payment confirmations are sent to both the email address you add, and the original email address that you signed up with.

  1. Log in to your Timescale account and navigate to the Billing details section.
  2. In the Payment emails tab, click Add New Email.
  3. Type the email address that you want payment confirmations sent to, and click Add email. A confirmation email is sent to the email address you entered.
  4. Follow the instructions in the confirmation email to confirm the email address. Another email is sent to the address you signed up with to notify that the new email address is saved.
Adding a new billing email address in Timescale

By default, your company name and address is set to be the same as that used for your payment method. You can change your company name and address in the Billing details section.

  1. Log in to your Timescale account and navigate to the Billing details section.
  2. In the Billing details tab, locate the Company info section and click the pencil icon.
  3. Complete the company name and address information, and click Save.
Adding or updating the company name and address in Timescale


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