The psql command line tool is widely used for interacting with a PostgreSQL or Timescale instance, and it is available for all operating systems. Most of the instructions in the Timescale documentation assume you are using psql.

Before you start, check that you don't already have psql installed. It is sometimes installed by default, depending on your operating system and other packages you have installed over time:

psql --version

The psql tool is installed by default on macOS systems when you install PostgreSQL, and this is the most effective way to install the tool. On macOS you can use Homebrew or MacPorts to install the PostgreSQL package or just the psql tool.

  1. Install Homebrew, if you don't already have it:

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    For more information about Homebrew, including installation instructions, see the Homebrew documentation.

  2. Make sure your Homebrew repository is up to date:

    brew doctor
    brew update
  3. Install PostgreSQL:

    brew install postgresql

If you do not want to install the entire PostgreSQL package, you can install the psql tool on its own. libpqxx is the official C++ client API for PostgreSQL.

  1. Install Homebrew, if you don't already have it:

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    For more information about Homebrew, including installation instructions, see the Homebrew documentation.

  2. Make sure your Homebrew repository is up to date:

    brew doctor
    brew update
  3. Install psql:

    brew install libpq
  4. Update your path to include the psql tool.

    brew link --force libpq

    On Intel chips, the symbolic link is added to /usr/local/bin. On Apple Silicon, the symbolic link is added to /opt/homebrew/bin.

You can use the apt package manager on Debian and Ubuntu systems to install the psql tool.

  1. Make sure your apt repository is up to date:

    sudo apt-get update
  2. Install the postgresql-client package:

    sudo apt-get install postgresql-client

The psql tool is installed by default on Windows systems when you install PostgreSQL, and this is the most effective way to install the tool. These instructions use the interactive installer provided by PostgreSQL and EnterpriseDB.

  1. Download and run the PostgreSQL installer from
  2. In the Select Components dialog, check Command Line Tools, along with any other components you want to install, and click Next.
  3. Complete the installation wizard to install the package.


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