The pgAdmin tool is a database administration tool that can be run on the desktop, or in your browser. It is available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari browsers, or can be installed on Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, or various Linux flavors.

For more information about pgAdmin, including download and installation instructions, see

  • Download and install pgAdmin. For the instructions to download and install, see
  1. Sign in to the Timescale portal.

  2. In the Services tab, find the service you want to connect to, and check it is marked as Running.

  3. Click the name of the service you want to connect to, and take a note of the Host, Port, Database name, and Username.

  4. Navigate to the Operations tab, and click Reset password. You can choose your own password for the service, or allow Timescale to generate a secure password for you. Take a note of your new password.

  5. Start pgAdmin.

  6. In the Quick Links section of the Dashboard tab, click Add New Server.

  7. In the Register - Server page go to the General tab.

  8. In the Name field, type a name for the server, and the description in the Comments field.

  9. In the Connection tab, fill in the fields using the server name, database, user name, port, and password for your Timescale service. For more information about these settings, see the connection section.

  10. Click Save to save the configuratiosn that you set.


    If you configured your Timescale service to connect using SSL mode, in the Parameters tab, set SSL mode to Verify-Full, and set the location of the SSL root CA certificate to use.

  11. Click Save.

    Connecting to Timescale using pgAdmin

This table provides the description and example values for the fields in the Connection dialog.

SettingExample valueDescription
Host name/addresslocalhost,, <REMOTE_HOST> fully qualified server name or IP address of your TimescaleDB server or the host name of your Timescale service.
Port5432The port number of the TimescaleDB server or the Timescale service.
Usernamepostgres, tsdbadminThe user name you want to log in with. Use tsdbadmin for Timescale services
PasswordpasswordThe password for the account you are logging in with
Save passwordToggleEnable if you don't want to enter the password each time you connect.
Maintenance database namepostgres, tsdbThis option is used to specify the initial database that pgAdmin connects to. The database name for a Timescale service is tsdb. You can also specify the name of the database to connect to.


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