You can configure VPC peering for your Managed Service for TimescaleDB project, using VPC provided by GCP.

  • Set up a VPC peering for your project in MST.
  • In your GCP console, click the project name and make a note of the Project ID.
  • In your GCP console, go to VPC Networks, find the VPC that you want to connect, and make a note of the network name for that VPC.

To set up VPC peering for your project:

  1. In MST Portal, click VPC and select the VPC connection that you created.

  2. Type the project ID of your GCP project in GCP Project ID.

  3. Type the network name of the VPC in GCP in GCP VPC network name.

  4. Click Add peering connection.

    A new connection with a status of Pending Peer is listed in your GCP console. Make a note of the project name and the network name.

  5. In the GCP console, go to VPC > VPC network peering and select Create Connection.

  6. Type a name for the peering connection and type the project ID and network name that you made a note of.

  7. Click Create.

After the peering is successful, it is active in both the MST portal and your GCP console.


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