You can Configure VPC peering for your Managed Service for TimescaleDB project, using the VPC section of the dashboard for your project. VPC peering setup is a per project and per region setting. This means that all services created and running utilize the same VPC peering connection. If needed, you can have multiple projects that peer with different connections.

You can configure VPC peering as a project and region-specific setting. This means that all services created and running use the same VPC peering connection. If necessary, you can use different connections for VPC peering across multiple projects. Only Admin and operator user roles can create a VPC.

To set up VPC peering for your project:

  1. In MST Portal, click VPC.

  2. Click Create VPC.

  3. Choose a cloud provider in the Cloud list.

  4. In the IP range field, type the IP range that you want to use for the VPC connection. Use an IP range that does not overlap with any networks that you want to connect through VPC peering. For example, if your own networks use the range, you could set the range for your Timescale project VPC to

  5. Click Create VPC.

The state of the VPC is listed in the table.


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