AWS Transit Gateway (TGW) enables transitive routing from on-premises networks through VPN and from other VPC. By creating a Transit Gateway VPC attachment, services in an MST Project VPC can route traffic to all other networks attached - directly or indirectly - to the Transit Gateway.

  • Set up a VPC peering for your project in MST.
  • In your AWS console, go to My Account and make a note of your account ID.
  • In your AWS console, go to Transit Gateways, find the transit gateway that you want to attach, and make a note of the ID.

To set up VPC peering for your project:

  1. In MST Portal, click VPC and select the VPC connection that you created.

  2. In the VPC Peering connections page select Transit Gateway VPC Attachment.

  3. Type the account ID of your AWS account in AWS Account ID.

  4. Type the ID of the transit gateway of AWS in Transit Gateway ID.

  5. Type the IP range in the Network cidrs field.

    Each Transit Gateway has a route table of its own, and by default routes traffic to each attached network directly to attached VPCs or indirectly through VPN attachments. The attached VPCs' route tables need to be updated to include the TGW as a target for any IP range (CIDR) that should be routed using the VPC attachment. These IP ranges must be configured when creating the attachment for an MST Project VPC.

  6. Click Add peering connection.

    A new connection with a status of Pending Acceptance is listed in your AWS console. Verify that the account ID and transit gateway ID match those listed in the MST portal.

  7. In the AWS console, go to Actions and select Accept Request. Update your AWS route tables to match your Timescale CIDR settings.

After you accept the request in AWS Console, the peering connection is active in the MST portal.


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