You can integrate Managed Service for TimescaleDB with Grafana to visualize your data. Grafana service in MST has built-in Prometheus, PostgreSQL, Jaeger, and other data source plugins that allow you to query and visualize data from a compatible database.

Before you begin, make sure you have:

  • Created a service in your Managed Service for TimescaleDB account
  • Created a service for Grafana

You can configure a TimescaleDB service as a data source to a Grafana service to query and visualize the data from the database.

  1. In MST Portal, click the service that you want to add as a data source for the Grafana service.
  2. In the Overview tab for the service go to the Service Integrations section.
  3. Click the Set up integration button.
  4. In the Available service integrations for TimescaleDB dialog, click the Use Integration button for Datasource.
  5. In the dialog that appears, choose the Grafana service in the drop-down menu, and click the Enable button.
  6. In the Services view, click the Grafana service to which you added the MST service as a data source.
  7. In the Overview tab for the Grafana service, make a note of the User and Password fields.
  8. In the Overview tab for the Grafana service, click the link in the Service URI field to open Grafana.
  9. Log in to Grafana with your service credentials.
  10. Navigate to ConfigurationData sources. The data sources page lists Managed Service for TimescaleDB as a configured data source for the Grafana instance.

When you have configured Managed Service for TimescaleDB as a data source in Grafana, you can create panels that are populated with data using SQL.


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