When you log into your Timescale account, you see the Project overview. Click a service to view run-time data and connection information. Click Operations to configure your service.

Timescale Services Overview

Each service hosts a single database managed for you by Timescale in the cloud. If you need more than one database, create a new service.

By default, when you create a new service, a new tsdbadmin user is created. This is the user that you use to connect to your new service.


The tsdbadmin user is the owner of the database, but is not a superuser. You cannot access the postgres user. There is no superuser access to Timescale Cloud databases.

On Timescale services, the tsdbadmin user can create another user with any other roles. For a complete list of roles available, see the PostgreSQL role attributes documentation.

You cannot create multiple databases on a single Timescale service. If you need data isolation, use schemas or create additional services.


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