Get metadata and settings information for continuous aggregates.
Name | Type | Description |
hypertable_schema | TEXT | Schema of the hypertable from the continuous aggregate view |
hypertable_name | TEXT | Name of the hypertable from the continuous aggregate view |
view_schema | TEXT | Schema for continuous aggregate view |
view_name | TEXT | User supplied name for continuous aggregate view |
view_owner | TEXT | Owner of the continuous aggregate view |
materialized_only | BOOLEAN | Return only materialized data when querying the continuous aggregate view |
compression_enabled | BOOLEAN | Is compression enabled for the continuous aggregate view? |
materialization_hypertable_schema | TEXT | Schema of the underlying materialization table |
materialization_hypertable_name | TEXT | Name of the underlying materialization table |
view_definition | TEXT | SELECT query for continuous aggregate view |
finalized | BOOLEAN | Whether the continuous aggregate stores data in finalized or partial form. Since TimescaleDB 2.7, the default is finalized. |
SELECT * FROM timescaledb_information.continuous_aggregates;-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------+-------------------------------------------------hypertable_schema | publichypertable_name | fooview_schema | publicview_name | contagg_viewview_owner | postgresmaterialized_only | fcompression_enabled | fmaterialization_hypertable_schema | _timescaledb_internalmaterialization_hypertable_name | _materialized_hypertable_2view_definition | SELECT foo.a, +| COUNT(foo.b) AS countb +| FROM foo +| GROUP BY (time_bucket('1 day', foo.a)), foo.a;finalized | t
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