You can use client credentials to programmatically access resources instead of using your username and password. You can generate multiple client credentials for different applications or use cases rather than a single set of user credentials for everything.

When you create client credentials, a public key and a private key is generated. These keys act as the username and password for programmatic client applications. It is important that you save these keys in a safe place. You can also delete these client credentials when the client applications no longer need access to Timescale resources. For more information about obtaining an access token programmatically, see the Timescale Terraform provider documentation.

  1. Log in to your Timescale account.
  2. Navigate to the Project Settings page to create client credentials for your project.
  3. In the Project Settings page, click Create credentials.
  4. In the New client credentials dialog, you can view the Public key and the Secret Key. Copy your secret key and store it in a secure place. You won't be able to view the Secret Key again in the console.
  5. Click Done. You can use these keys in your client applications to access Timescale resources inside the respective project. Timescale generates a default Name for the client credentials.
  6. Click the ⋮ menu and select Rename credentials.
  7. In the Edit credential name dialog, type the new name and click Accept.
  1. Log in to your Timescale account.
  2. Navigate to the Project Settings page to view client credentials for your project.
  3. In the Project Settings page, click the ⋮ menu of the client credential, and select Delete.
  4. In the Are you sure dialog, type the name of the client credential, and click Delete.


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