
Multi-node support is sunsetted.

TimescaleDB v2.13 is the last release that includes multi-node support for PostgreSQL versions 13, 14, and 15.

Change the configuration of a data node that was originally set up with add_data_node on the access node.

Only users with certain privileges can alter data nodes. When you alter the connection details for a data node, make sure that the altered configuration is reachable and can be authenticated by the access node.

node_nameName for the data node
hostHost name for the remote data node
databaseDatabase name where remote hypertables are created. The default is the database name that was provided in add_data_node
portPort to use on the remote data node. The default is the PostgreSQL port that was provided in add_data_node
availableConfigure availability of the remote data node. The default is true meaning that the data node is available for read/write queries
node_nameLocal name to use for the data node
hostHost name for the remote data node
portPort for the remote data node
databaseDatabase name used on the remote data node
availableAvailability of the remote data node for read/write queries

An error is given if:

  • A remote data node with the provided node_name argument does not exist.

To alter a data node, you must have the correct permissions, or be the owner of the remote server. Additionally, you must have the USAGE privilege on the timescaledb_fdw foreign data wrapper.

To change the port number and host information for an existing data node dn1:

SELECT alter_data_node('dn1', host => 'dn1.example.com', port => 6999);

Data nodes are available for read/write queries by default. If the data node becomes unavailable for some reason, the read/write query gives an error. This API provides an optional argument, available, to mark an existing data node as available or unavailable for read/write queries. By marking a data node as unavailable you can allow read/write queries to proceed in the cluster. For more information, see the multi-node HA section


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