You can use two-factor authentication to log in to your Timescale account. Two-factor authentication, also known as two-step verification or 2FA, enables secure logins that requires an authentication code in addition to your user password. The code is provided by an app on your mobile device, such as Google Authenticator.

Google Authenticator is a useful app for keeping track of your two-factor authentication keys. However, there are other authenticators available to suit your needs.

Before you begin, make sure you have:

  1. Log in to your Timescale account.
  2. Click the User name icon in the top-right of the console and select Account.
  3. In the Account page, click Add two-factor authentication.
  4. On your mobile device, open Google Authenticator, tap +, and select Scan a QR code.
  5. On your mobile device, scan the QR code provided by Timescale in the Connect to an authenticator app dialog and click Next.
  6. In the dashboard, type the verification code provided by Google Authenticator, and click Next.
  7. In the Save your recovery codes dialog, copy, download, or print the recovery codes, and save them in a safe place. These are used to recover your account if you lose your device.
  8. Verify that you have saved your recovery codes, by clicking OK, I saved my recovery codes.
  9. If two-factor authentication is enabled correctly, an email notification is sent to you.

If you lose access to the mobile device you use for multi-factor authentication, and you do not have access to your recovery codes, you cannot sign in to your Timescale account. To regain access to your account contact

If you do not have access to your authenticator app and need to log in to Timescale you can use your recovery codes. After you use a recovery code to regain access to your account, it cannot be reused. If you've used all 10 recovery codes, you can generate another list of codes. Generating a new set of recovery codes invalidates all previously generated codes. You can also regenerate your codes if you lose access to your previous codes.

  1. Log in to your Timescale account.
  2. Click the User name icon in the top-right of the console and select Account.
  3. In the Account page, navigate to the Two-factor authentication section.
  4. Click Regenerate recovery codes.
  5. In the Two-factor authentication dialog, type the verification code from your authenticator application. Alternatively, if you do not have access to the authenticator application, click Use recovery code instead to type the recovery code.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Save your recovery codes dialog, copy, download, or print the recovery codes, and save them in a safe place. These are used to recover your account if you lose your device.
  8. Verify that you have saved your recovery codes, by clicking OK, I saved my recovery codes.

If you need to enroll a new device for two-factor authentication, you can remove two-factor authentication from your account and then add it again with your new device.

  1. Log in to your Timescale account.
  2. Click the User name icon in the top-right of the console and select Account.
  3. In the Account page, navigate to the Two-factor authentication section.
  4. Click Remove two-factor authentication.
  5. In the Are you sure dialog, type the verification code from your authenticator application. Alternatively, if you do not have access to the authenticator application, click Use recovery code instead to type the recovery code.
  6. Click Remove.


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