Grafana is organized into Dashboards and Panels. A dashboard represents a view into the performance of a system, and each dashboard consists of one or more panels, which represents information about a specific metric related to that system.

Start by creating a new dashboard.

  1. Hover your mouse over the + icon in the far left of the Grafana user interface to bring up a Create menu. Select Dashboard. When you new dashboard is created, you'll see a New Panel screen, with options for Add Query and Choose Visualization. In the future, if you already have a dashboard with panels, you can click the + icon at the top of the Grafana user interface to add a panel to an existing dashboard.

  2. Click Choose Visualization to add a new panel. There are several options for different Grafana visualizations. This example uses the Graph visualization.

  3. There are multiple ways to configure the panel, but you can accept all the defaults to create a simple Lines graph.

  4. In the far left section of the Grafana user interface, navigate to the Queries tab.

  5. Set the query database to the dataset you are using.

  6. You can edit the query directly, or use the built-in query editor.


    If you are visualizing time series data in Grafana, make sure you select Time series from the Format As drop down in the query builder.

Grafana time-series panels include a tool that lets you filter on a given time range, called a time filter. Grafana allows you to link the user interface construct in a Grafana panel with the query itself using the $__timefilter() function.

This example of a modified query uses the $__timefilter() function to set the pickup_datetime column as the filtering range for your visualizations:

time_bucket('1 day', pickup_datetime) AS "time",
FROM rides
WHERE $__timeFilter(pickup_datetime)

You can group your visualizations by the time buckets you've selected, and order the results by the time buckets as well. So, the GROUP BY and ORDER BY statements reference time.

For example:

time_bucket('1 day', pickup_datetime) AS time,
FROM rides
WHERE $__timeFilter(pickup_datetime)

When you visualize this query in Grafana, you see this:

Visualizing time-series data in Grafana

You can adjust the time_bucket function and compare the graphs, like this:

time_bucket('5m', pickup_datetime) AS time,
FROM rides
WHERE $__timeFilter(pickup_datetime)

When you visualize this query, it looks like this:

Visualizing time-series data in Grafana


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