If you prefer to tune settings yourself, or for settings not covered by timescaledb-tune, you can manually configure your installation using the PostgreSQL configuration file.

For some common configuration settings you might want to adjust, see the about-configuration page.

For more information about the PostgreSQL configuration page, see the PostgreSQL documentation.

The location of the PostgreSQL configuration file depends on your operating system and installation.

  1. Find the location of the config file for your Postgres instance

    1. Connect to your database:
      psql -d "postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database-name>"
    2. Retrieve the database file location from the database internal configuration.
      SHOW config_file;
      Postgres returns the path to your configuration file. For example:
      (1 row)
  2. Open the config file, then edit your postgres configuration

    vi /home/postgres/pgdata/data/postgresql.conf
  3. Save your updated configuration

    When you have saved the changes you make to the configuration file, the new configuration is not applied immediately. The configuration file is automatically reloaded when the server receives a SIGHUP signal. To manually reload the file, use the pg_ctl command.

If you don't want to open the configuration file to make changes, you can also set parameters directly from the command prompt, using the postgres command. For example:

postgres -c log_connections=yes -c log_destination='syslog'


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