TimescaleDB API referenceContinuous aggregates

Add refresh, compression, and data retention policies to a continuous aggregate in one step. The added compression and retention policies apply to the continuous aggregate, not to the original hypertable.

relation REGCLASS,
if_not_exists BOOL = false,
refresh_start_offset "any" = NULL,
refresh_end_offset "any" = NULL,
compress_after "any" = NULL,
drop_after "any" = NULL,
hypercore_use_access_method BOOL = NULL)

Experimental features could have bugs. They might not be backwards compatible, and could be removed in future releases. Use these features at your own risk, and do not use any experimental features in production.


add_policies() does not allow the schedule_interval for the continuous aggregate to be set, instead using a default value of 1 hour.

If you would like to set this add your policies manually (see add_continuous_aggregate_policy).

relationREGCLASSThe continuous aggregate that the policies should be applied to
if_not_existsBOOLWhen true, prints a warning instead of erroring if the continuous aggregate doesn't exist. Defaults to false.
refresh_start_offsetINTERVAL or INTEGERThe start of the continuous aggregate refresh window, expressed as an offset from the policy run time.
refresh_end_offsetINTERVAL or INTEGERThe end of the continuous aggregate refresh window, expressed as an offset from the policy run time. Must be greater than refresh_start_offset.
compress_afterINTERVAL or INTEGERContinuous aggregate chunks are compressed if they exclusively contain data older than this interval.
drop_afterINTERVAL or INTEGERContinuous aggregate chunks are dropped if they exclusively contain data older than this interval.

For arguments that could be either an INTERVAL or an INTEGER, use an INTERVAL if your time bucket is based on timestamps. Use an INTEGER if your time bucket is based on integers.

Returns true if successful.

Given a continuous aggregate named example_continuous_aggregate, add three policies to it:

  1. Regularly refresh the continuous aggregate to materialize data between 1 day and 2 days old.
  2. Compress data in the continuous aggregate after 20 days.
  3. Drop data in the continuous aggregate after 1 year.
SELECT timescaledb_experimental.add_policies(
refresh_start_offset => '1 day'::interval,
refresh_end_offset => '2 day'::interval,
compress_after => '20 days'::interval,
drop_after => '1 year'::interval


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