If you run into problems when using TimescaleDB, there are a few things that you can do. There are some solutions to common errors in this section as well as ways to output diagnostic information about your setup. If you need more guidance, you can join the community Slack group or post an issue on the TimescaleDB GitHub.

The ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE command must be the first command executed upon connection to a database. Some administration tools execute commands before this, which can disrupt the process. You might need to manually update the database with psql. See the update docs for details.

If your PostgreSQL logs have this error preventing it from starting up, you should double check that the TimescaleDB files have been installed to the correct location. The installation methods use pg_config to get PostgreSQL's location. However if you have multiple versions of PostgreSQL installed on the same machine, the location pg_config points to may not be for the version you expect. To check which version TimescaleDB used:

$ pg_config --version
PostgreSQL 12.3

If that is the correct version, double check that the installation path is the one you'd expect. For example, for PostgreSQL 11.0 installed via Homebrew on macOS it should be /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.0/bin:

$ pg_config --bindir

If either of those steps is not the version you are expecting, you need to either uninstall the incorrect version of PostgreSQL if you can, or update your PATH environmental variable to have the correct path of pg_config listed first, that is, by prepending the full path:

export PATH = /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.0/bin:$PATH

Then, reinstall TimescaleDB and it should find the correct installation path.

If the error occurs immediately after updating your version of TimescaleDB and the file mentioned is from the previous version, it is probably due to an incomplete update process. Within the greater PostgreSQL server instance, each database that has TimescaleDB installed needs to be updated with the SQL command ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE; while connected to that database. Otherwise, the database looks for the previous version of the timescaledb files.

See our update docs for more info.

Your scheduled jobs might stop running for various reasons. On self-hosted TimescaleDB, you can fix this by restarting background workers:

SELECT _timescaledb_internal.restart_background_workers();

On Timescale and Managed Service for TimescaleDB, restart background workers by doing one of the following:

  • Run SELECT timescaledb_pre_restore(), followed by SELECT timescaledb_post_restore().
  • Power the service off and on again. This might cause a downtime of a few minutes while the service restores from backup and replays the write-ahead log.

You might see this error message in the logs if background workers aren't properly configured:

"<TYPE_OF_BACKGROUND_JOB>": failed to start a background worker

To fix this error, make sure that max_worker_processes, max_parallel_workers, and timescaledb.max_background_workers are properly set. timescaledb.max_background_workers should equal the number of databases plus the number of concurrent background workers. max_worker_processes should equal the sum of timescaledb.max_background_workers and max_parallel_workers.

For more information, see the worker configuration docs.

You might see this error message when trying to compress a chunk if the permissions for the compressed hypertable is corrupt.

tsdb=> SELECT compress_chunk('_timescaledb_internal._hyper_65_587239_chunk');
ERROR: role 149910 was concurrently dropped

This can be caused if you dropped a user for the hypertable before TimescaleDB 2.5. For this case, the user would be removed from pg_authid but not revoked from the compressed table.

As a result, the compressed table contains permission items that refers to numerical values rather than existing users (see below for how to find the compressed hypertable from a normal hypertable):

tsdb=> \dp _timescaledb_internal._compressed_hypertable_2
Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies
public | transactions | table | mats=arwdDxt/mats +| |
| | | wizard=arwdDxt/mats+| |
| | | 149910=r/mats | |
(1 row)

This means that the relacl column of pg_class needs to be updated and the offending user removed, but it is not possible to drop a user by numerical value. Instead, you can use the internal function repair_relation_acls in the _timescaledb_function schema:

tsdb=> CALL _timescaledb_functions.repair_relation_acls();

This requires superuser privileges (since you're modifying the pg_class table) and that it removes any user not present in pg_authid from all tables, so use with caution.

The permissions are usually corrupted for the hypertable as well, but not always, so it is better to look at the compressed hypertable to see if the problem is present. To find the compressed hypertable for an associated hypertable (readings in this case):

tsdb=> select ht.table_name,
tsdb-> (select format('%I.%I', schema_name, table_name)::regclass
tsdb-> from _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable
tsdb-> where ht.compressed_hypertable_id = id) as compressed_table
tsdb-> from _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable ht
tsdb-> where table_name = 'readings';
format | format
readings | _timescaledb_internal._compressed_hypertable_2
(1 row)

PostgreSQL's EXPLAIN feature allows users to understand the underlying query plan that PostgreSQL uses to execute a query. There are multiple ways that PostgreSQL can execute a query: for example, a query might be fulfilled using a slow sequence scan or a much more efficient index scan. The choice of plan depends on what indexes are created on the table, the statistics that PostgreSQL has about your data, and various planner settings. The EXPLAIN output let's you know which plan PostgreSQL is choosing for a particular query. PostgreSQL has a in-depth explanation of this feature.

To understand the query performance on a hypertable, we suggest first making sure that the planner statistics and table maintenance is up-to-date on the hypertable by running VACUUM ANALYZE <your-hypertable>;. Then, we suggest running the following version of EXPLAIN:

EXPLAIN (ANALYZE on, BUFFERS on) <original query>;

If you suspect that your performance issues are due to slow IOs from disk, you can get even more information by enabling the track_io_timing variable with SET track_io_timing = 'on'; before running the above EXPLAIN.

To help when asking for support and reporting bugs, TimescaleDB includes a SQL script that outputs metadata from the internal TimescaleDB tables as well as version information. The script is available in the source distribution in scripts/ but can also be downloaded separately. To use it, run:

psql [your connect flags] -d your_timescale_db < dump_meta_data.sql > dumpfile.txt

and then inspect dump_file.txt before sending it together with a bug report or support question.

By default, background workers do not print a lot of information about execution. The reason for this is to avoid writing a lot of debug information to the PostgreSQL log unless necessary.

To aid in debugging the background jobs, it is possible to increase the log level of the background workers without having to restart the server by setting the timescaledb.bgw_log_level GUC and reloading the configuration.

ALTER SYSTEM SET timescaledb.bgw_log_level TO 'DEBUG1';
SELECT pg_reload_conf();

This variable is set to the value of log_min_messages by default, which typically is WARNING. If the value of log_min_messages is changed in the configuration file, it is used for timescaledb.bgw_log_level when starting the workers.


Both ALTER SYSTEM and pg_reload_conf() requires superuser privileges by default and that you need to grant EXECUTE permissions to pg_reload_conf() and ALTER SYSTEM privileges to timescaledb.bgw_log_level if you want this to work for a non-superuser.

Since ALTER SYSTEM privileges only exist on PostgreSQL 15 and later, the necessary grants for executing these statements just exists on TimescaleDB Cloud for PostgreSQL 15 or later.

The amount of information printed at each level varies between jobs, but the information printed at DEBUG1 is currently shown below.

All jobsJob exit with runtime information
All jobsJob scheduled for fast restart
Custom jobExecution started
Recompression jobRecompression job completed
Reorder jobChunk reorder completed
Reorder jobChunk reorder started
SchedulerNew jobs discovered and added to scheduled jobs list
SchedulerScheduling job for launch

The amount of information printed at each level varies between jobs, but the information printed at DEBUG2 is currently shown below.

Note that all messages at level DEBUG1 are also printed when you set the log level to DEBUG2, which is normal PostgreSQL behaviour.

All jobsJob found in jobs table
All jobsJob starting execution
SchedulerScheduled jobs list update started
SchedulerScheduler dispatching job
SchedulerScheduled wake up
SchedulerScheduler delayed in dispatching job


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