Jobs in Timescale are custom functions or procedures that run on a schedule that you define. This page explains how to create, test, alter, and delete a job.

To follow the procedure on this page you need to:

To create a job, create a function or procedure that you want your service to execute, then set it up to run on a schedule.

  1. Define a function or procedure in the language of your choice

    Wrap it in a CREATE statement:

    CREATE FUNCTION <function_name> (required arguments)
    RETURNS <return_datatype> AS $<variable_name>$
    RETURN { <variable_name> | value }
    END; LANGUAGE <language>;

    For example, to create a function that returns the total row count of a table within a service:

    RETURNS integer AS $total$
    total integer;
    SELECT count(*) into total FROM fill_measurements;
    RETURN total;
    $total$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

    job_id and config are required arguments. This returns CREATE FUNCTION to indicate that the function has successfully been created.

  2. Call the function to validate

    For example:

    select totalRecords();

    The result looks like this:

    (1 row)
  3. Register your job with add_job

    Pass the name of your job, the schedule you want it to run on, and the content of your config. For the config value, if you don't need any special configuration parameters, set to NULL. For example, to run the totalRecords function every hour:

    SELECT add_job('totalRecords', '1h', config => '{"hypertable":"metr"}');

    The call returns a job_id and stores it along with config in the Timescale catalog.

    The job runs on the schedule you set. You can also run it manually with run_job passing job_id. When the job runs, job_id and config are passed as arguments.

  4. Validate the job

    List all currently registered jobs with


    The result looks like this:

    job_id | application_name | schedule_interval | max_runtime | max_retries | retry_period | proc_schema | proc_name | owner | scheduled | config | next_start | hypertable_schema | hypertable_name
    1 | Telemetry Reporter [1] | 24:00:00 | 00:01:40 | -1 | 01:00:00 | _timescaledb_internal | policy_telemetry | postgres | t | | 2022-08-18 06:26:39.524065+00 | |
    1000 | User-Defined Action [1000] | 01:00:00 | 00:00:00 | -1 | 00:05:00 | public | totalrecords | tsdbadmin | t | {"hypertable": "metr"} | 2022-08-17 07:17:24.831698+00 | |
    (2 rows)

To debug a job, increase the log level and run the job manually with run_job in the foreground. Because run_job is a stored procedure and not a function, run it with CALL instead of SELECT.

  1. Set the minimum log level to DEBUG1

    SET client_min_messages TO DEBUG1;
  2. Run the job

    Replace 1000 with your job_id:

    CALL run_job(1000);

Alter an existing job with alter_job. You can change both the config and the schedule on which the job runs.

  1. Change a job's config

    To replace the entire JSON config for a job, call alter_job with a new config object. For example, replace the JSON config for a job with ID 1000:

    SELECT alter_job(1000, config => '{"hypertable":"metrics"}');
  2. Turn off job scheduling

    To turn off automatic scheduling of a job, call alter_job and set scheduledto false. You can still run the job manually with run_job. For example, turn off the scheduling for a job with ID 1000:

    SELECT alter_job(1000, scheduled => false);
  3. Re-enable automatic scheduling of a job

    To re-enable automatic scheduling of a job, call alter_job and set scheduled to true. For example, re-enable scheduling for a job with ID 1000:

    SELECT alter_job(1000, scheduled => true);
  4. Delete a job with delete_job

    For example, to delete a job with ID 1000:

    SELECT delete_job(1000);


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