Timescale uses approximation algorithms to calculate a percentile without requiring all of the data. This also makes them more compatible with continuous aggregates.
By default, Timescale Toolkit uses uddsketch
, but you can also choose to use
. For more information about these algorithms, see the
advanced aggregation methods documentation.
In this procedure, we use an example table called response_times
that contains
information about how long a server takes to respond to API calls.
At the
prompt, create a continuous aggregate that computes the daily aggregates:CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW response_times_dailyWITH (timescaledb.continuous)AS SELECTtime_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts) as bucket,percentile_agg(response_time_ms)FROM response_timesGROUP BY 1;Re-aggregate the aggregate to get the last 30 days, and look for the ninety-fifth percentile:
SELECT approx_percentile(0.95, percentile_agg(percentile_agg)) as thresholdFROM response_times_dailyWHERE bucket >= time_bucket('1 day'::interval, now() - '30 days'::interval);You can also create an alert:
WITH t as (SELECT approx_percentile(0.95, percentile_agg(percentile_agg)) as thresholdFROM response_times_dailyWHERE bucket >= time_bucket('1 day'::interval, now() - '30 days'::interval))SELECT count(*)FROM response_timesWHERE ts > now()- '1 minute'::intervalAND response_time_ms > (SELECT threshold FROM t);
For more information about percentile approximation API calls, see the hyperfunction API documentation.
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