You can use PostgreSQL extensions with Timescale. These are the currently supported extensions:

ExtensionDescriptionEnabled by default
pgaiHelper functions for AI workflowsFor services with the AI and Vector capability
pgvectorVector similarity search for PostgreSQLFor services with the AI and Vector capability
pgvectorscaleAdvanced indexing for vector dataFor services with the AI and Vector capability
timescaledb_toolkitTimescaleDB ToolkitFor services with the Time series and analytics capability
timescaledbTimescaleDBFor all services
ExtensionDescriptionEnabled by default
autoincFunctions for autoincrementing fields-
amcheckFunctions for verifying relation integrity-
bloomBloom access method - signature file-based index-
bool_plperlTransform between bool and plperl-
btree_ginSupport for indexing common datatypes in GIN-
btree_gistSupport for indexing common datatypes in GiST-
citextData type for case-insensitive character strings-
cubeData type for multidimensional cubes-
dict_intText search dictionary template for integers-
dict_xsynText search dictionary template for extended synonym processing-
earthdistanceCalculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth-
fuzzystrmatchDetermine similarities and distance between strings-
hstoreData type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs-
hstore_plperlTransform between hstore and plperl-
insert_usernameFunctions for tracking who changed a table-
intaggInteger aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)-
intarrayFunctions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers-
isnData types for international product numbering standards-
jsonb_plperlTransform between jsonb and plperl-
loLarge object maintenance-
ltreeData type for hierarchical tree-like structures-
moddatetimeFunctions for tracking last modification time-
old_snapshotUtilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold-
pgcryptoCryptographic functions-
pgrowlocksShow row-level locking information-
pgstattupleObtain tuple-level statistics-
pg_freespacemapExamine the free space map (FSM)-
pg_prewarmPrewarm relation data-
pg_stat_statementsTrack execution statistics of all SQL statements executedFor all services
pg_trgmText similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams-
pg_visibilityExamine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info-
plperlPL/Perl procedural language-
plpgsqlSQL procedural languageFor all services
postgres_fdwForeign data wrappersFor all services
refintFunctions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)-
segData type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals-
sslinfoInformation about SSL certificates-
tablefuncFunctions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab-
tcnTrigger change notifications-
tsm_system_rowsTABLESAMPLE method which accepts the number of rows as a limit-
tsm_system_timeTABLESAMPLE method which accepts the time in milliseconds as a limit-
unaccentText search dictionary that removes accents-
uuid-osspGenerate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)-
ExtensionDescriptionEnabled by default
pgauditDetailed session and/or object audit logging-
pgpcrePerl-compatible RegEx-
pgroutingGeospatial routing functionality-
postgisPostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions-
postgis_rasterPostGIS raster types and functions-
postgis_sfcgalPostGIS SFCGAL functions-
postgis_tiger_geocoderPostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder-
postgis_topologyPostGIS topology spatial types and functions-
unitSI units for PostgreSQL-


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