PostgreSQL is designed to be easily extensible. The extensions loaded into the database can function just like features that are built in. TimescaleDB extends PostgreSQL for time-series data, giving PostgreSQL the high-performance, scalability, and analytical capabilities required by modern data-intensive applications. If you installed TimescaleDB with Homebrew or MacPorts, you can uninstall it without having to uninstall PostgreSQL.

  1. At the psql prompt, remove the TimescaleDB extension:

    DROP EXTENSION timescaledb;
  2. At the command prompt, remove timescaledb from shared_preload_libraries in the postgresql.conf configuration file:

    nano /opt/homebrew/var/postgresql@14/postgresql.conf
    shared_preload_libraries = ''
  3. Save the changes to the postgresql.conf file.

  4. Restart PostgreSQL:

    brew services restart postgresql
  5. Check that the TimescaleDB extension is uninstalled by using the \dx command at the psql prompt. Output is similar to:

    tsdb-# \dx
    List of installed extensions
    Name | Version | Schema | Description
    plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
    (1 row)
  6. Uninstall TimescaleDB:

    brew uninstall timescaledb
  7. Remove all the dependencies and related files:

    brew remove timescaledb
  1. At the psql prompt, remove the TimescaleDB extension:

    DROP EXTENSION timescaledb;
  2. At the command prompt, remove timescaledb from shared_preload_libraries in the postgresql.conf configuration file:

    nano /opt/homebrew/var/postgresql@14/postgresql.conf
    shared_preload_libraries = ''
  3. Save the changes to the postgresql.conf file.

  4. Restart PostgreSQL:

    port reload postgresql
  5. Check that the TimescaleDB extension is uninstalled by using the \dx command at the psql prompt. Output is similar to:

    tsdb-# \dx
    List of installed extensions
    Name | Version | Schema | Description
    plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
    (1 row)
  6. Uninstall TimescaleDB and the related dependencies:

    port uninstall timescaledb --follow-dependencies


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