This section contains some ideas for troubleshooting common problems experienced with self-hosted TimescaleDB. For general troubleshooting advice that applies to all Timescale products, see the Use Timescale section.
"<TYPE_OF_BACKGROUND_JOB>": failed to start a background worker
You might see this error message in the logs if background workers aren't properly configured.
To fix this error, make sure that max_worker_processes
, and timescaledb.max_background_workers
are properly
set. timescaledb.max_background_workers
should equal the number of databases
plus the number of concurrent background workers. max_worker_processes
equal the sum of timescaledb.max_background_workers
For more information, see the worker configuration docs.
Log error: could not access file "timescaledb"
If your PostgreSQL logs have this error preventing it from starting up,
you should double check that the TimescaleDB files have been installed
to the correct location. Our installation methods use pg_config
get PostgreSQL's location. However if you have multiple versions of
PostgreSQL installed on the same machine, the location pg_config
points to may not be for the version you expect. To check which
version TimescaleDB used:
$ pg_config --versionPostgreSQL 12.3
If that is the correct version, double check that the installation path is
the one you'd expect. For example, for PostgreSQL 11.0 installed via
Homebrew on macOS it should be /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.0/bin
$ pg_config --bindir/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.0/bin
If either of those steps is not the version you are expecting, you need
to either (a) uninstall the incorrect version of PostgreSQL if you can or
(b) update your PATH
environmental variable to have the correct
path of pg_config
listed first, that is, by prepending the full path:
export PATH = /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.0/bin:$PATH
Then, reinstall TimescaleDB and it should find the correct installation path.
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "timescaledb"pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION timescaledb"pg_restore: while PROCESSING TOC:pg_restore: from TOC entry 6239; 0 0 COMMENT EXTENSION timescaledbpg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: must be owner of extension timescaledb
The pg_restore
function tries to apply the TimescaleDB extension when it
copies your schema. This can cause a permissions error. If you already have the
TimescaleDB extension installed, you can safely ignore this.
pg_dump: warning: there are circular foreign-key constraints on this table:pg_dump: hypertablepg_dump: You might not be able to restore the dump without using --disable-triggers or temporarily dropping the constraints.pg_dump: Consider using a full dump instead of a --data-only dump to avoid this problem.
pg_dump: NOTICE: hypertable data are in the chunks, no data will be copiedDETAIL: Data for hypertables are stored in the chunks of a hypertable so COPY TO of a hypertable will not copy any data.HINT: Use "COPY (SELECT * FROM <hypertable>) TO ..." to copy all data in hypertable, or copy each chunk individually.
WARNING: skipping "<TABLE OR INDEX>" --- only superuser can analyze it
If you see these errors during the migration process, you can safely ignore them. The migration still occurs successfully.
pg_dump: NOTICE: hypertable data are in the chunks, no data will be copiedDETAIL: Data for hypertables are stored in the chunks of a hypertable so COPY TO of a hypertable will not copy any data.HINT: Use "COPY (SELECT * FROM <hypertable>) TO ..." to copy all data in hypertable, or copy each chunk individually.
You might see the errors above when running pg_dump
. You can safely ignore
these. Your hypertable data is still accurately copied.
pg_dump: error: query failed: ERROR: permission denied for table job_errorspg_dump: detail: Query was: LOCK TABLE _timescaledb_internal.job_errors IN ACCESS SHARE MODE
When the pg_dump
tool tries to acquire a lock on the job_errors
table, if the user doesn't have the required SELECT permission, it
results in this error.
To resolve this issue, use a superuser account to grant the necessary
permissions to the user requiring the pg_dump
Use this command to grant permissions to <TEST_USER>
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE _timescaledb_internal.job_errors TO <TEST_USER>;
The PostgreSQL pg_dump
command does not allow you to specify which version of
the extension to use when backing up. This can create problems if you have a
more recent version installed. For example, if you create the backup using an
older version of TimescaleDB, and when you restore it uses the current version,
without giving you an opportunity to upgrade first.
You can work around this problem when you are restoring from backup by making sure the new PostgreSQL instance has the same extension version as the original database before you perform the restore. After the data is restored, you can upgrade the version of TimescaleDB.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: invalid INSERT on the root table of hypertable "_hyper_1_10_chunk.
You might see the errors above when running pg_restore
. When loading from a
logical dump make sure that you set timescaledb.restoring
to true before loading
the dump.
ERROR: extension "timescaledb_toolkit" has no update path from version "1.2" to version "1.3"
In some cases, when you create the TimescaleDB Toolkit extension, or upgrade it
with the ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb_toolkit UPDATE
command, it might fail
with the above error.
This occurs if the list of available extensions does not include the version you are trying to upgrade to, and it can occur if the package was not installed correctly in the first place. To correct the problem, install the upgrade package, restart PostgreSQL, verify the version, and then attempt the update again.
If you're installing Toolkit from a package, check your package manager's local repository list. Make sure the TimescaleDB repository is available and contains Toolkit. For instructions on adding the TimescaleDB repository, see the installation guides:
Update your local repository list with
apt update
oryum update
.Restart your PostgreSQL service.
Check that the right version of Toolkit is among your available extensions:
SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensionsWHERE name = 'timescaledb_toolkit';The result should look like this:
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------name | timescaledb_toolkitdefault_version | 1.6.0installed_version | 1.6.0comment | Library of analytical hyperfunctions, time-series pipelining, and other SQL utilitiesRetry
ERROR: could not access file "timescaledb-<VERSION>": No such file or directory
If the error occurs immediately after updating your version of TimescaleDB and
the file mentioned is from the previous version, it is probably due to an incomplete
update process. Within the greater PostgreSQL server instance, each
database that has TimescaleDB installed needs to be updated with the SQL command
while connected to that database. Otherwise,
the database looks for the previous version of the timescaledb files.
See our update docs for more info.
ERROR: extension "timescaledb" cannot be updated after the old version has already been loaded
When you use the ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE
command to upgrade, this
error might appear.
This occurs if you don't run ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE
command as the
first command after starting a new session using psql or if you use tab
completion when running the command. Tab completion triggers metadata queries in
the background which prevents the alter extension from being the first command.
To correct the problem, execute the ALTER EXTENSION command like this:
psql -X -c 'ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE;'
ERROR: extension "timescaledb_toolkit" has no update path from version "1.2" to version "1.3"
In some cases, when you use the ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE
command to
upgrade, it might fail with the above error.
This occurs if the list of available extensions does not include the version you are trying to upgrade to, and it can occur if the package was not installed correctly in the first place. To correct the problem, install the upgrade package, restart PostgreSQL, verify the version, and then attempt the upgrade again.
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