This section outlines how to set up asynchronous streaming replication on one or more database replicas.

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Before you begin, make sure you have at least two separate instances of TimescaleDB running. If you installed TimescaleDB using a Docker container, use a PostgreSQL entry point script to run the configuration. For more advanced examples, see the Timescale Helm Charts repository.

To configure replication on self-hosted TimescaleDB, you need to perform these procedures:

  1. Configure the primary database
  2. Configure replication parameters
  3. Create replication slots
  4. Configure host-based authentication parameters
  5. Create a base backup on the replica
  6. Configure replication and recovery settings
  7. Verify that the replica is working

To configure the primary database, you need a PostgreSQL user with a role that allows it to initialize streaming replication. This is the user each replica uses to stream from the primary database.

  1. On the primary database, as a user with superuser privileges, such as the postgres user, set the password encryption level to scram-sha-256:

    SET password_encryption = 'scram-sha-256';
  2. Create a new user called repuser:


The scram-sha-256 encryption level is the most secure password-based authentication available in PostgreSQL. It is only available in PostgreSQL 10 and later.

There are several replication settings that need to be added or edited in the postgresql.conf configuration file.

  1. Set the synchronous_commit parameter to off.
  2. Set the max_wal_senders parameter to the total number of concurrent connections from replicas or backup clients. As a minimum, this should equal the number of replicas you intend to have.
  3. Set the wal_level parameter to the amount of information written to the PostgreSQL write-ahead log (WAL). For replication to work, there needs to be enough data in the WAL to support archiving and replication. The default value is usually appropriate.
  4. Set the max_replication_slots parameter to the total number of replication slots the primary database can support.
  5. Set the listen_addresses parameter to the address of the primary database. Do not leave this parameter as the local loopback address, because the remote replicas must be able to connect to the primary to stream the WAL.
  6. Restart PostgreSQL to pick up the changes. This must be done before you create replication slots.

The most common streaming replication use case is asynchronous replication with one or more replicas. In this example, the WAL is streamed to the replica, but the primary server does not wait for confirmation that the WAL has been written to disk on either the primary or the replica. This is the most performant replication configuration, but it does carry the risk of a small amount of data loss in the event of a system failure. It also makes no guarantees that the replica is fully up to date with the primary, which could cause inconsistencies between read queries on the primary and the replica. The example configuration for this use case:

listen_addresses = '*'
wal_level = replica
max_wal_senders = 2
max_replication_slots = 2
synchronous_commit = off

If you need stronger consistency on the replicas, or if your query load is heavy enough to cause significant lag between the primary and replica nodes in asynchronous mode, consider a synchronous replication configuration instead. For more information about the different replication modes, see the replication modes section.

When you have configured postgresql.conf and restarted PostgreSQL, you can create a replication slot for each replica. Replication slots ensure that the primary does not delete segments from the WAL until they have been received by the replicas. This is important in case a replica goes down for an extended time. The primary needs to verify that a WAL segment has been consumed by a replica, so that it can safely delete data. You can use archiving for this purpose, but replication slots provide the strongest protection for streaming replication.

  1. At the psql slot, create the first replication slot. The name of the slot is arbitrary. In this example, it is called replica_1_slot:

    SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('replica_1_slot', true);
  2. Repeat for each required replication slot.

There are several replication settings that need to be added or edited to the pg_hba.conf configuration file. In this example, the settings restrict replication connections to traffic coming from REPLICATION_HOST_IP as the PostgreSQL user repuser with a valid password. REPLICATION_HOST_IP can initiate streaming replication from that machine without additional credentials. You can change the address and method values to match your security and network settings.

For more information about pg_hba.conf, see the pg_hba documentation.

  1. Open the pg_hba.conf configuration file and add or edit this line:

    host replication repuser <REPLICATION_HOST_IP>/32 scram-sha-256
  2. Restart PostgreSQL to pick up the changes.

Replicas work by streaming the primary server's WAL log and replaying its transactions in PostgreSQL recovery mode. To do this, the replica needs to be in a state where it can replay the log. You can do this by restoring the replica from a base backup of the primary instance.

  1. Stop PostgreSQL services.

  2. If the replica database already contains data, delete it before you run the backup, by removing the PostgreSQL data directory:

    rm -rf <DATA_DIRECTORY>/*

    If you don't know the location of the data directory, find it with the show data_directory; command.

  3. Restore from the base backup, using the IP address of the primary database and the replication username:

    pg_basebackup -h <PRIMARY_IP> \
    -U repuser -vP -W

    The -W flag prompts you for a password. If you are using this command in an automated setup, you might need to use a pgpass file.

  4. When the backup is complete, create a standby.signal file in your data directory. When PostgreSQL finds a standby.signal file in its data directory, it starts in recovery mode and streams the WAL through the replication protocol:

    touch <DATA_DIRECTORY>/standby.signal

When you have successfully created a base backup and a standby.signal file, you can configure the replication and recovery settings.

  1. In the replica's postgresql.conf file, add details for communicating with the primary server. If you are using streaming replication, the application_name in primary_conninfo should be the same as the name used in the primary's synchronous_standby_names settings:

    primary_conninfo = 'host=<PRIMARY_IP> port=5432 user=repuser
    password=<POSTGRES_USER_PASSWORD> application_name=r1'
    primary_slot_name = 'replica_1_slot'
  2. Add details to mirror the configuration of the primary database. If you are using asynchronous replication, use these settings:

    hot_standby = on
    wal_level = replica
    max_wal_senders = 2
    max_replication_slots = 2
    synchronous_commit = off

    The hot_standby parameter must be set to on to allow read-only queries on the replica. In PostgreSQL 10 and later, this setting is on by default.

  3. Restart PostgreSQL to pick up the changes.

At this point, your replica should be fully synchronized with the primary database and prepared to stream from it. You can verify that it is working properly by checking the logs on the replica, which should look like this:

LOG: database system was shut down in recovery at 2018-03-09 18:36:23 UTC
LOG: entering standby mode
LOG: redo starts at 0/2000028
LOG: consistent recovery state reached at 0/3000000
LOG: database system is ready to accept read only connections
LOG: started streaming WAL from primary at 0/3000000 on timeline 1

Any client can perform reads on the replica. You can verify this by running inserts, updates, or other modifications to your data on the primary database, and then querying the replica to ensure they have been properly copied over.

In most cases, asynchronous streaming replication is sufficient. However, you might require greater consistency between the primary and replicas, especially if you have a heavy workload. Under heavy workloads, replicas can lag far behind the primary, providing stale data to clients reading from the replicas. Additionally, in cases where any data loss is fatal, asynchronous replication might not provide enough of a durability guarantee. The PostgreSQL synchronous_commit feature has several options with varying consistency and performance tradeoffs.

In the postgresql.conf file, set the synchronous_commit parameter to:

  • on: This is the default value. The server does not return success until the WAL transaction has been written to disk on the primary and any replicas.
  • off: The server returns success when the WAL transaction has been sent to the operating system to write to the WAL on disk on the primary, but does not wait for the operating system to actually write it. This can cause a small amount of data loss if the server crashes when some data has not been written, but it does not result in data corruption. Turning synchronous_commit off is a well-known PostgreSQL optimization for workloads that can withstand some data loss in the event of a system crash.
  • local: Enforces on behavior only on the primary server.
  • remote_write: The database returns success to a client when the WAL record has been sent to the operating system for writing to the WAL on the replicas, but before confirmation that the record has actually been persisted to disk. This is similar to asynchronous commit, except it waits for the replicas as well as the primary. In practice, the extra wait time incurred waiting for the replicas significantly decreases replication lag.
  • remote_apply: Requires confirmation that the WAL records have been written to the WAL and applied to the databases on all replicas. This provides the strongest consistency of any of the synchronous_commit options. In this mode, replicas always reflect the latest state of the primary, and replication lag is nearly non-existent.

If synchronous_standby_names is empty, the settings on, remote_apply, remote_write and local all provide the same synchronization level, and transaction commits wait for the local flush to disk.

This matrix shows the level of consistency provided by each mode:

ModeWAL Sent to OS (Primary)WAL Persisted (Primary)WAL Sent to OS (Primary & Replicas)WAL Persisted (Primary & Replicas)Transaction Applied (Primary & Replicas)
Remote Write
Remote Apply

The synchronous_standby_names setting is a complementary setting to synchronous_commit. It lists the names of all replicas the primary database supports for synchronous replication, and configures how the primary database waits for them. The synchronous_standby_names setting supports these formats:

  • FIRST num_sync (replica_name_1, replica_name_2): This waits for confirmation from the first num_sync replicas before returning success. The list of replica_names determines the relative priority of the replicas. Replica names are determined by the application_name setting on the replicas.
  • ANY num_sync (replica_name_1, replica_name_2): This waits for confirmation from num_sync replicas in the provided list, regardless of their priority or position in the list. This is works as a quorum function.

Synchronous replication modes force the primary to wait until all required replicas have written the WAL, or applied the database transaction, depending on the synchronous_commit level. This could cause the primary to hang indefinitely if a required replica crashes. When the replica reconnects, it replays any of the WAL it needs to catch up. Only then is the primary able to resume writes. To mitigate this, provision more than the amount of nodes required under the synchronous_standby_names setting and list them in the FIRST or ANY clauses. This allows the primary to move forward as long as a quorum of replicas have written the most recent WAL transaction. Replicas that were out of service are able to reconnect and replay the missed WAL transactions asynchronously.

The PostgreSQL pg_stat_replication view provides information about each replica. This view is particularly useful for calculating replication lag, which measures how far behind the primary the current state of the replica is. The replay_lag field gives a measure of the seconds between the most recent WAL transaction on the primary, and the last reported database commit on the replica. Coupled with write_lag and flush_lag, this provides insight into how far behind the replica is. The *_lsn fields also provide helpful information. They allow you to compare WAL locations between the primary and the replicas. The state field is useful for determining exactly what each replica is currently doing; the available modes are startup, catchup, streaming, backup, and stopping.

To see the data, on the primary database, run this command:

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_replication;

The output looks like this:

-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
pid | 52343
usesysid | 16384
usename | repuser
application_name | r2
client_addr |
client_hostname |
client_port | 59610
backend_start | 2018-02-07 19:07:15.261213+00
backend_xmin |
state | streaming
sent_lsn | 16B/43DB36A8
write_lsn | 16B/43DB36A8
flush_lsn | 16B/43DB36A8
replay_lsn | 16B/43107C28
write_lag | 00:00:00.009966
flush_lag | 00:00:00.03208
replay_lag | 00:00:00.43537
sync_priority | 2
sync_state | sync
-[ RECORD 2 ]----+------------------------------
pid | 54498
usesysid | 16384
usename | repuser
application_name | r1
client_addr |
client_hostname |
client_port | 43402
backend_start | 2018-02-07 19:45:41.410929+00
backend_xmin |
state | streaming
sent_lsn | 16B/43DB36A8
write_lsn | 16B/43DB36A8
flush_lsn | 16B/43DB36A8
replay_lsn | 16B/42C3B9C8
write_lag | 00:00:00.019736
flush_lag | 00:00:00.044073
replay_lag | 00:00:00.644004
sync_priority | 1
sync_state | sync

PostgreSQL provides some failover functionality, where the replica is promoted to primary in the event of a failure. This is provided using the pg_ctl command or the trigger_file. However, PostgreSQL does not provide support for automatic failover. For more information, see the PostgreSQL failover documentation. If you require a configurable high availability solution with automatic failover functionality, check out Patroni.


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