TimescaleDB is a PostgreSQL extension for time series and demanding workloads that ingest and query high volumes of data.

Want to skip these steps?

Deploy a Timescale service in the cloud. We tune your database for performance and handle scalability, high availability, backups and management so you can relax.

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This section shows you how to:


If you have previously installed PostgreSQL without a package manager, you may encounter errors following these install instructions. Best practice is to full remove any existing PostgreSQL installations before you begin.

To keep your current PostgreSQL installation, Install from source.

This section shows you how to install the latest version of PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB on a supported platform using the packages supplied by Timescale.

Job jobbed, you have installed PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB.

For improved performance, you enable TimescaleDB on each database on your self-hosted PostgreSQL instance. This section shows you how to enable TimescaleDB for a new database in PostgreSQL using psql from the command line.

  1. Connect to a database on your PostgreSQL instance

    In PostgreSQL, the default user and database are both postgres. To use a different database, set <database-name> to the name of that database:

    psql -d "postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database-name>"
  2. Add TimescaleDB to the database

  3. Check that TimescaleDB is installed


    You see the list of installed extensions:

    List of installed extensions
    Name | Version | Schema | Description
    plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
    timescaledb | 2.17.2 | public | Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Community Edition)

    Press q to exit the list of extensions.

And that is it! You have TimescaleDB running on a database on a self-hosted instance of PostgreSQL.

What next? Try the main features offered by Timescale, see the use case tutorials, interact with the data in your Timescale Cloud service using your favorite programming language, integrate your Timescale Cloud service with a range of third-party tools, plain old Use Timescale, or dive into the API.

TimescaleDB is supported on the following platforms:

DebianUbuntuRed Hat EnterpriseFedoraRocky Linux
Debian 10 BusterUbuntu 20.04 LTS Focal FossaRed Hat Enterprise Linux 7Fedora 33Rocky Linux 8
Debian 11 BullseyeUbuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy JellyfishRed Hat Enterprise Linux 8Fedora 34Rocky Linux 9
Debian 12 BookwormUbuntu 23.04 Lunar LobsterRed Hat Enterprise Linux 9Fedora 35
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Noble Numbat


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