time_weight() functions
ToolkitTimescaleDB Toolkit functions are available under Timescale Community Edition. They are automatically included with Timescale, but must be installed separately for self-hosted TimescaleDB. Click to learn more.Introduction
Calculate time-weighted summary statistics, such as averages (means) and integrals. Time weighting is used when data is unevenly sampled over time. In that case, a straight average gives misleading results, as it biases towards more frequently sampled values.
For example, a sensor might silently spend long periods of time in a steady state, and send data only when a significant change occurs. The regular mean counts the steady-state reading as only a single point, whereas a time-weighted mean accounts for the long period of time spent in the steady state. In essence, the time-weighted mean takes an integral over time, then divides by the elapsed time.
- time_weight
- Aggregate data into an intermediate time-weighted aggregate form for further calculation
- average
- Calculate the time-weighted average of values in a
- first_time
- Get the first timestamp from a
aggregate - first_val
- Get the first value from a
aggregate - integral
- Calculate the integral from a
- interpolated_average
- Calculate the time-weighted average over an interval, while interpolating the interval bounds
- interpolated_integral
- Calculate the integral over an interval, while interpolating the interval bounds
- last_time
- Get the last timestamp from a
aggregate - last_val
- Get the last value from a
- rollup
- Combine multiple
time_weight(method TEXT,ts TIMESTAMPTZ,value DOUBLE PRECISION) RETURNS TimeWeightSummary
This is the first step for performing any time-weighted calculations. Use time_weight
to create an intermediate aggregate (TimeWeightSummary
) from your data. This intermediate form can then be used by one or more accessors in this group to compute final results.
Optionally, multiple such intermediate aggregate objects can be combined using rollup()
before an accessor is applied.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
method | TEXT | The weighting method to use. The available methods are linear (or its alias trapezoidal , for those familiar with numeric integration methods) and LOCF , which stands for 'last observation carried forward'. linear fills in missing data by interpolating linearly between the start and end points of the gap. LOCF fills in the gap by assuming that the value remains constant until the next value is seen.
LOCF is most useful when a measurement is taken only when a value changes. linear is most useful if there are no such guarantees on the measurement.
The method names are case-insensitive. |
ts | TIMESTAMPTZ | The time at each point. Null values are ignored. An aggregate evaluated on only null values returns null . |
value | DOUBLE PRECISION | The value at each point to use for the time-weighted aggregate. Null values are ignored. An aggregate evaluated on only null values returns null . |
Column | Type | Description |
time_weight | TimeWeightSummary | A TimeWeightSummary object that can be passed to other functions within the time-weighting API |
Aggregate data from column val
into daily time-weighted aggregates, using the linear interpolation method:
SELECTtime_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts) as dt,time_weight('Linear', ts, val) AS twFROM fooGROUP BY time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts)
average(tws TimeWeightSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the time-weighted average. Equal to integral
divided by the elapsed time.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
tws | TimeWeightSummary | The input TimeWeightSummary from a time_weight() call. |
Column | Type | Description |
average | DOUBLE PRECISION | The time-weighted average. |
Calculate the time-weighted average of the column val
, using the 'last observation carried forward' interpolation method:
SELECTid,average(tws)FROM (SELECTid,time_weight('LOCF', ts, val) AS twsFROM fooGROUP BY id) t
first_time(tw TimeWeightSummary) RETURNS TIMESTAMPTZ
Get the timestamp of the first point in a TimeWeightSummary
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
tws | TimeWeightSummary | The input TimeWeightSummary from a time_weight() call. |
Column | Type | Description |
first_time | TIMESTAMPTZ | The time of the first point in the TimeWeightSummary |
Produce a linear TimeWeightSummary
over the column val
and get the first timestamp:
WITH t as (SELECTtime_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts) as dt,time_weight('Linear', ts, val) AS twFROM tableGROUP BY time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts))SELECTdt,first_time(tw)FROM t;
first_val(tw TimeWeightSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Get the value of the first point in a TimeWeightSummary
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
tws | TimeWeightSummary | The input TimeWeightSummary from a time_weight() call. |
Column | Type | Description |
first_val | DOUBLE PRECISION | The value of the first point in the TimeWeightSummary |
Produce a linear TimeWeightSummary
over the column val
and get the first value:
WITH t as (SELECTtime_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts) as dt,time_weight('Linear', ts, val) AS twFROM tableGROUP BY time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts))SELECTdt,first_val(tw)FROM t;
integral(tws TimeWeightSummary[, unit TEXT]) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the integral, or the area under the curve formed by the data points. Equal to average
multiplied by the elapsed time.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
tws | TimeWeightSummary | The input TimeWeightSummary from a time_weight() call. |
Optional arguments
Name | Type | Description |
unit | TEXT | The unit of time to express the integral in. Can be microsecond , millisecond , second , minute , hour , or any alias for those units supported by PostgreSQL. Defaults to second . |
Column | Type | Description |
integral | DOUBLE PRECISION | The time-weighted integral. |
Create a table to track irregularly sampled storage usage in bytes, and get the total storage used in byte-hours. Use the 'last observation carried forward' interpolation method:
-- Create a table to track irregularly sampled storage usageCREATE TABLE user_storage_usage(ts TIMESTAMP, storage_bytes BIGINT);INSERT INTO user_storage_usage(ts, storage_bytes) VALUES('01-01-2022 00:00', 0),('01-01-2022 00:30', 100),('01-01-2022 03:00', 300),('01-01-2022 03:10', 1000),('01-01-2022 03:25', 817);-- Get the total byte-hours usedSELECTintegral(time_weight('LOCF', ts, storage_bytes), 'hours')FROMuser_storage_usage;
interpolated_average(tws TimeWeightSummary,start TIMESTAMPTZ,interval INTERVAL[, prev TimeWeightSummary][, next TimeWeightSummary]) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the time-weighted average over an interval, while interpolating
the interval bounds.
Similar to average
, but allows an accurate calculation across
interval bounds when data has been bucketed into separate time intervals,
and there is no data point precisely at the interval bound. For example,
this is useful in a window function.
Values from the previous and next buckets are used to interpolate the values
at the bounds, using the same interpolation method used within the
Equal to interpolated_integral
divided by the
elapsed time.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
tws | TimeWeightSummary | The input TimeWeightSummary from a time_weight() call. |
start | TIMESTAMPTZ | The start of the interval which the time-weighted average should cover (if there is a preceeding point). |
interval | INTERVAL | The length of the interval which the time-weighted average should cover. |
Optional arguments
Name | Type | Description |
prev | TimeWeightSummary | The TimeWeightSummary from the prior interval, used to interpolate the value at start . If NULL, the first timestamp in tws is used for the starting value. The prior interval can be determined from the PostgreSQL lag() function. |
next | TimeWeightSummary | The TimeWeightSummary from the next interval, used to interpolate the value at start + interval . If NULL, the first timestamp in tws is used for the starting value. The next interval can be determined from the PostgreSQL lead() function. |
Column | Type | Description |
average | DOUBLE PRECISION | The time-weighted average for the interval (start , start + interval ), computed from the TimeWeightSummary plus end points interpolated from prev and next |
Calculate the time-weighted daily average of the column val
, interpolating over bucket bounds using the 'last observation carried forward' method:
SELECTid,time,interpolated_average(tws,time,'1 day',LAG(tws) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER by time),LEAD(tws) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER by time))FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('1 day', ts) AS time,time_weight('LOCF', ts, val) AS twsFROM fooGROUP BY id, time) t
interpolated_integral(tws TimeWeightSummary,start TIMESTAMPTZ,interval INTERVAL[, prev TimeWeightSummary][, next TimeWeightSummary][, unit TEXT]) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the integral over an interval, while interpolating the interval
Similar to integral
, but allows an accurate calculation across
interval bounds when data has been bucketed into separate time intervals,
and there is no data point precisely at the interval bound. For example,
this is useful in a window function.
Values from the previous and next buckets are used to interpolate the values
at the bounds, using the same interpolation method used within the
Equal to interpolated_average
multiplied by the
elapsed time.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
tws | TimeWeightSummary | The input TimeWeightSummary from a time_weight() call. |
start | TIMESTAMPTZ | The start of the interval which the time-weighted integral should cover (if there is a preceding point). |
interval | INTERVAL | The length of the interval which the time-weighted integral should cover. |
Optional arguments
Name | Type | Description |
prev | TimeWeightSummary | The TimeWeightSummary from the prior interval, used to interpolate the value at start . If NULL, the first timestamp in tws is used for the starting value. The prior interval can be determined from the PostgreSQL lag() function. |
next | TimeWeightSummary | The TimeWeightSummary from the next interval, used to interpolate the value at start + interval . If NULL, the first timestamp in tws is used for the starting value. The next interval can be determined from the PostgreSQL lead() function. |
unit | TEXT | The unit of time to express the integral in. Can be microsecond , millisecond , second , minute , hour , or any alias for those units supported by PostgreSQL. Defaults to second . |
Column | Type | Description |
integral | DOUBLE PRECISION | The time-weighted integral for the interval (start , start + interval ), computed from the TimeWeightSummary plus end points interpolated from prev and next |
Create a table to track irregularly sampled storage usage in bytes, and get the total storage used in byte-hours between January 1 and January 6. Use the 'last observation carried forward' interpolation method:
-- Create a table to track irregularly sampled storage usageCREATE TABLE user_storage_usage(ts TIMESTAMP, storage_bytes BIGINT);INSERT INTO user_storage_usage(ts, storage_bytes) VALUES('01-01-2022 20:55', 27),('01-02-2022 18:33', 100),('01-03-2022 03:05', 300),('01-04-2022 12:13', 1000),('01-05-2022 07:26', 817);-- Get the total byte-hours used between Jan. 1 and Jan. 6SELECTinterpolated_integral(time_weight('LOCF', ts, storage_bytes),'01-01-2022','5 days',NULL,NULL,'hours')FROMuser_storage_usage;
last_time(tw TimeWeightSummary) RETURNS TIMESTAMPTZ
Get the timestamp of the last point in a TimeWeightSummary
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
tws | TimeWeightSummary | The input TimeWeightSummary from a time_weight() call. |
Column | Type | Description |
last_time | TIMESTAMPTZ | The time of the last point in the TimeWeightSummary |
Produce a linear TimeWeightSummary
over the column val
and get the last timestamp:
WITH t as (SELECTtime_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts) as dt,time_weight('Linear', ts, val) AS twFROM tableGROUP BY time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts))SELECTdt,last_time(tw)FROM t;
last_val(tw TimeWeightSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Get the value of the last point in a TimeWeightSummary
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
tws | TimeWeightSummary | The input TimeWeightSummary from a time_weight() call. |
Column | Type | Description |
last_val | DOUBLE PRECISION | The value of the last point in the TimeWeightSummary |
Produce a linear TimeWeightSummary
over the column val
and get the last value:
WITH t as (SELECTtime_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts) as dt,time_weight('Linear', ts, val) AS twFROM tableGROUP BY time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts))SELECTdt,last_val(tw)FROM t;
rollup(tws TimeWeightSummary) RETURNS TimeWeightSummary
Combine multiple intermediate time-weighted aggregate (TimeWeightSummary
) objects produced by time_weight()
into a single intermediate TimeWeightSummary
object. For example, you can use rollup
to combine time-weighted aggregates from 15-minute buckets into daily buckets.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
time_weight | TimeWeightSummary | The TimeWeightSummary aggregate produced by a time_weight call |
Column | Type | Description |
rollup | StatsSummary1D | A new TimeWeightSummary aggregate produced by combining the input TimeWeightSummary aggregates |
Given a table foo
with data in a column val
, aggregate data into a daily
. Use that to calculate the average for column val
WITH t as (SELECTtime_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts) as dt,time_weight('Linear', ts, val) AS twFROM fooWHERE measure_id = 10GROUP BY time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts))SELECTdt,average(tw)FROM t;
Time-weighted average calculations are not strictly parallelizable, as defined by PostgreSQL. These calculations require inputs to be strictly ordered, but in general, PostgreSQL parallelizes by assigning rows randomly to workers.
However, the algorithm can be parallelized if it is guaranteed that all rows
within some time range go to the same worker. This is the case for both
continuous aggregates and distributed hypertables. (Note that the partitioning
keys of the distributed hypertable must be within the GROUP BY
clause, but
this is usually the case.)
If you try to combine overlapping TimeWeightSummaries
, an error is thrown.
For example, you might create a TimeWeightSummary
for device_1
and a
separate TimeWeightSummary
for device_2
, both covering the same period of
time. You can't combine these because the interpolation techniques only make
sense when restricted to a single measurement series.
If you want to calculate a single summary statistic across all devices, use a simple average, like this:
WITH t as (SELECT measure_id,average(time_weight('LOCF', ts, val)) as time_weighted_averageFROM fooGROUP BY measure_id)SELECT avg(time_weighted_average) -- use the normal avg function to average the time-weighted averagesFROM t;
The time-weighted average functions are not strictly parallelizable in the PostgreSQL sense. PostgreSQL requires that parallelizable functions accept potentially overlapping input. As explained above, the time-weighted functions do not. However, they do support partial aggregation and partition-wise aggregation in multi-node setups.
Because the time-weighted aggregates require ordered sets, they build up a buffer of input data, sort it, and then perform the aggregation steps. When memory is too small to build up a buffer of points, you might see Out of Memory failures or other issues. In these cases, try using a multi-level aggregate. For example:
WITH t as (SELECT measure_id,time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts),time_weight('LOCF', ts, val)FROM fooGROUP BY measure_id, time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts))SELECT measure_id,average(rollup(time_weight))FROM tGROUP BY measure_id;
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