The histogram() function represents the distribution of a set of values as an array of equal-width buckets. It partitions the dataset into a specified number of buckets (nbuckets) ranging from the inputted min and max values.

The return value is an array containing nbuckets+2 buckets, with the middle nbuckets bins for values in the stated range, the first bucket at the head of the array for values under the lower min bound, and the last bucket for values greater than or equal to the max bound. Each bucket is inclusive on its lower bound, and exclusive on its upper bound. Therefore, values equal to the min are included in the bucket starting with min, but values equal to the max are in the last bucket.

valueANY VALUEA set of values to partition into a histogram
minNUMERICThe histogram's lower bound used in bucketing (inclusive)
maxNUMERICThe histogram's upper bound used in bucketing (exclusive)
nbucketsINTEGERThe integer value for the number of histogram buckets (partitions)

A simple bucketing of device's battery levels from the readings dataset:

SELECT device_id, histogram(battery_level, 20, 60, 5)
FROM readings
GROUP BY device_id

The expected output:

device_id | histogram
demo000000 | {0,0,0,7,215,206,572}
demo000001 | {0,12,173,112,99,145,459}
demo000002 | {0,0,187,167,68,229,349}
demo000003 | {197,209,127,221,106,112,28}
demo000004 | {0,0,0,0,0,39,961}
demo000005 | {12,225,171,122,233,80,157}
demo000006 | {0,78,176,170,8,40,528}
demo000007 | {0,0,0,126,239,245,390}
demo000008 | {0,0,311,345,116,228,0}
demo000009 | {295,92,105,50,8,8,442}


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