gauge_agg() functions
ToolkitTimescaleDB Toolkit functions are available under Timescale Community Edition. They are automatically included with Timescale, but must be installed separately for self-hosted TimescaleDB. Click to learn more.Introduction
Analyze data coming from gauges. Unlike counters, gauges can decrease as well as increase.
If your value can only increase, use counter_agg
instead to
appropriately account for resets.
Related hyperfunction groups
This function group includes some experimental functions. Experimental functions might change or be removed in future releases. We do not recommend using them in production. Experimental functions are marked with an Experimental tag.
- gauge_agg
- ExperimentalAggregate gauge data into an intermediate form for further analysis
- corr
- ExperimentalCalculate the correlation coefficient from a gauge aggregate
- delta
- ExperimentalCalculate the change in a gauge from a gauge aggregate
- extrapolated_delta
- ExperimentalCalculate the extrapolated change from a gauge aggregate
- extrapolated_rate
- ExperimentalCalculate the extrapolated rate of change from a gauge aggregate
- gauge_zero_time
- ExperimentalCalculate the time when the gauge value is predicted to have been zero
- idelta_left
- ExperimentalCalculate the instantaneous change at the left, or earliest, edge of a gauge aggregate
- idelta_right
- ExperimentalCalculate the instantaneous change at the right, or latest, edge of a gauge aggregate
- intercept
- ExperimentalCalculate the y-intercept from a gauge aggregate
- interpolated_delta
- ExperimentalCalculate the change in a gauge, interpolating values at boundaries as needed
- interpolated_rate
- ExperimentalCalculate the rate of change in a gauge, interpolating values at boundaries as needed
- irate_left
- ExperimentalCalculate the instantaneous rate of change at the left, or earliest, edge of a gauge aggregate
- irate_right
- ExperimentalCalculate the instantaneous rate of change at the right, or latest, edge of a gauge aggregate
- num_changes
- ExperimentalGet the number of times a gauge changed from a gauge aggregate
- num_elements
- ExperimentalGet the number of points with distinct timestamps from a gauge aggregate
- rate
- ExperimentalCalculate the rate of change from a gauge aggregate
- slope
- ExperimentalCalculate the slope from a gauge aggregate
- time_delta
- ExperimentalCalculate the difference between the first and last times from a gauge aggregate
- rollup
- ExperimentalCombine multiple gauge aggregates
- with_bounds
- ExperimentalAdd bounds to a gauge aggregate
gauge_agg(ts TIMESTAMPTZ,value DOUBLE PRECISION[, bounds TSTZRANGE]) RETURNS GaugeSummary
This is the first step for performing any aggregate calculations
on gauge data. Use gauge_agg
to create an intermediate aggregate
from your data. This intermediate form can then be used
by one or more accessors in this group to compute final results. Optionally,
you can combine multiple intermediate aggregate objects with
before an accessor is applied.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
ts | TIMESTAMPTZ | The time at each point |
value | DOUBLE PRECISION | The value of the gauge at each point |
Optional arguments
Name | Type | Description |
bounds | TSTZRANGE | The smallest and largest possible times that can be input to this aggregate. Bounds are required for extrapolation, but not for other accessor functions. If you don't specify bounds at aggregate creation time, you can add them later using the with_bounds function. |
Column | Type | Description |
gauge_agg | GaugeSummary | The gauge aggregate, containing data about the variables in an intermediate form. Pass the aggregate to accessor functions in the gauge aggregates API to perform final calculations. Or, pass the aggregate to rollup functions to combine multiple gauge aggregates into larger aggregates. |
Create a gauge aggregate to summarize daily gauge data:
SELECTtime_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts) as dt,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS csFROM fooWHERE id = 'bar'GROUP BY time_bucket('1 day'::interval, ts)
corr(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the correlation coefficient from a gauge aggregate. The calculation uses a linear least-squares fit, and returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0, from no correlation to the strongest possible correlation.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
corr | DOUBLE PRECISION | The correlation coefficient calculated with time as the independent variable and gauge value as the dependent variable. |
Calculate the correlation coefficient to determine the goodness of a linear fit between gauge value and time:
SELECTid,bucket,corr(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
delta(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Get the change in a gauge over a time period. This is the simple delta, computed by subtracting the last seen value from the first.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregated created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
delta | DOUBLE PRECISION | The change in the gauge over the bucketed interval |
Get the change in each gauge over the entire time interval in table foo
SELECTid,delta(summary)FROM (SELECTid,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id) t
extrapolated_delta(summary GaugeSummary,method TEXT) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the change in a gauge during the time period specified by the bounds
in the gauge aggregate. The bounds must be specified for the extrapolated_delta
function to work. You can provide them as part of the original gauge_agg
call, or by using the with_bounds
function on an existing
gauge aggregate.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
method | TEXT | The extrapolation method to use. Not case-sensitive. The only allowed value
is prometheus , for the Prometheus extrapolation protocol. |
Column | Type | Description |
extrapolated_delta | DOUBLE PRECISION | The extrapolated change in the gauge over the time period of the gauge aggregate. |
Extrapolate the change in a gauge over every 15-minute interval:
SELECTid,bucket,extrapolated_delta(with_bounds(summary,toolkit_experimental.time_bucket_range('15 min'::interval, bucket)),'prometheus')FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t;
extrapolated_rate(summary GaugeSummary,method TEXT) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the rate of change of a gauge during the time period specified by the bounds
in the gauge aggregate. The bounds must be specified for the extrapolated_rate
function to work. You can provide them as part of the original gauge_agg
call, or by using the with_bounds
function on an existing
gauge aggregate.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
method | TEXT | The extrapolation method to use. Not case-sensitive. The only allowed value
is prometheus , for the Prometheus extrapolation protocol. |
Column | Type | Description |
extrapolated_rate | DOUBLE PRECISION | The extrapolated rate of change of the gauge over the timer period of the gauge aggregate. |
SELECTid,bucket,extrapolated_rate(with_bounds(summary,toolkit_experimental.time_bucket_range('15 min'::interval, bucket)),'prometheus')FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t;
gauge_zero_time(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS TIMESTAMPTZ
Calculate the time when the gauge value is modeled to have been zero. This is the x-intercept of the linear fit between gauge value and time.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
gauge_zero_time | TIMESTAMPTZ | The time when the gauge value is predicted to have been zero |
Estimate the time when the gauge started:
SELECTid,bucket,gauge_zero_time(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
idelta_left(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the instantaneous change at the left, or earliest, edge of a gauge aggregate. This is equal to the second value minus the first value.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
idelta_left | DOUBLE PRECISION | The instantaneous delta at the left, or earliest, edge of the gauge aggregate |
Get the instantaneous change at the start of each 15-minute gauge aggregate:
SELECTid,bucket,idelta_left(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
idelta_right(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the instantaneous change at the right, or latest, edge of a gauge aggregate. This is equal to the last value minus the second-last value.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
idelta_right | DOUBLE PRECISION | The instantaneous delta at the right, or latest, edge of the gauge aggregate |
Get the instantaneous change at the end of each 15-minute gauge aggregate:
SELECTid,bucket,idelta_right(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
intercept(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the y-intercept of a linear least-squares fit between gauge value and time. This corresponds to the projected value at the PostgreSQL epoch (2000-01-01 00:00:00+00)
. You can use the y-intercept with the slope to plot a best-fit line.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
intercept | DOUBLE PRECISION | The y-intercept of the linear least-squares fit |
Calculate the y-intercept of the linear fit for each 15-minute gauge aggregate:
SELECTid,bucket,intercept(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
interpolated_delta(summary GaugeSummary,start TIMESTAMPTZ,interval INTERVAL[, prev GaugeSummary][, next GaugeSummary]) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the change in a gauge over the time period covered by a gauge aggregate. Data points at the exact boundaries of the time period aren't needed. The function interpolates the gauge values at the boundaries from adjacent gauge aggregates if needed.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
start | TIMESTAMPTZ | The start of the time period to compute the delta over |
interval | INTERVAL | The length of the time period to compute the delta over |
Optional arguments
Name | Type | Description |
prev | GaugeSummary | The gauge aggregate from the previous interval, used to interpolate the value at start . If NULL , the first timestamp in summary is used as the start of the interval. |
next | GaugeSummary | The gauge aggregate from the next interval, used to interpolate the value at start + interval . If NULL , the last timestamp in summary is used as the end of the interval. |
Column | Type | Description |
interpolated_delta | DOUBLE PRECISION | The delta between the first and last points of the time interval. If exact values are missing in the raw data for the first and last points, these values are interpolated linearly from the neighboring gauge aggregates. |
Calculate the gauge delta for each 15-minute interval, using interpolation to get the values at the interval boundaries if they don't exist in the data:
SELECTid,bucket,interpolated_delta(summary,bucket,'15 min',LAG(summary) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER by bucket),LEAD(summary) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER by bucket))FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
interpolated_rate(summary GaugeSummary,start TIMESTAMPTZ,interval INTERVAL[, prev GaugeSummary][, next GaugeSummary]) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the rate of change in a gauge over a time period. Data points at the exact boundaries of the time period aren't needed. The function interpolates the gauge values at the boundaries from adjacent gauge aggregates if needed.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
start | TIMESTAMPTZ | The start of the time period to compute the rate over |
interval | INTERVAL | The length of the time period to compute the rate over |
Optional arguments
Name | Type | Description |
prev | GaugeSummary | The gauge aggregate from the previous interval, used to interpolate the value at start . If NULL , the first timestamp in summary is used as the start of the interval. |
next | GaugeSummary | The gauge aggregate from the next interval, used to interpolate the value at start + interval . If NULL , the last timestamp in summary is used as the end of the interval. |
Column | Type | Description |
interpolated_rate | DOUBLE PRECISION | The per-second rate of change of the gauge between the specified bounds. If exact values are missing in the raw data for the first and last points, these values are interpolated linearly from the neighboring gauge aggregates. |
Calculate the per-second rate of change for each 15-minute interval, using interpolation to get the values at the interval boundaries if they don't exist in the data:
SELECTid,bucket,interpolated_rate(summary,bucket,'15 min',LAG(summary) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER by bucket),LEAD(summary) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER by bucket))FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
irate_left(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the instantaneous rate of change at the left, or earliest, edge of a gauge aggregate. This is equal to the second value minus the first value, divided by the time lapse between the two points. This calculation is useful for fast-moving gauges.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
idelta_left | DOUBLE PRECISION | The instantaneous rate of change at the left, or earliest, edge of the gauge aggregate |
Get the instantaneous rate of change at the start of each 15-minute gauge aggregate:
SELECTid,bucket,irate_left(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
irate_right(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the instantaneous rate of change at the right, or latest, edge of a gauge aggregate. This is equal to the last value minus the second-last value, divided by the time lapse between the two points. This calculation is useful for fast-moving gauges.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
idelta_right | DOUBLE PRECISION | The instantaneous rate of change at the right, or latest, edge of the gauge aggregate |
Get the instantaneous rate of change at the end of each 15-minute gauge aggregate:
SELECTid,bucket,irate_right(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
num_changes(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS BIGINT
Get the number of times the gauge changed during the period summarized by the gauge aggregate.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge summary created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
num_changes | BIGINT | The number of times the gauge changed |
Get the number of times the gauge changed over each 15-minute interval:
SELECTid,bucket,num_changes(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
num_elements(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS BIGINT
Get the number of points with distinct timestamps from a gauge aggregate. Duplicate timestamps are ignored.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
num_elements | BIGINT | The number of points with distinct timestamps |
Get the number of points for each 15-minute gauge aggregate:
SELECTid,bucket,num_elements(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
rate(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the rate of change of the gauge. This is the simple rate, equal to the last value minus the first value, divided by the time elapsed.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
rate | DOUBLE PRECISION | The rate of change of the gauge |
Get the rate of change per id
over the entire recorded interval:
SELECTid,rate(summary)FROM (SELECTid,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id) t
slope(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Calculate the slope of the linear least-squares fit for a gauge aggregate. The dependent variable is the gauge value, and the independent variable is time. Time is always in seconds, so the slope estimates the per-second rate of change. This gives a result similar to rate
, but it can more accurately reflect the usual gauge behavior in the presence of infrequent, abnormally large changes.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
slope | DOUBLE PRECISION | The slope of the linear least-squares fit |
Calculate the gauge slope per id
and per 15-minute interval:
SELECTid,bucket,slope(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
time_delta(summary GaugeSummary) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION
Get the number of seconds between the first and last measurements in a gauge aggregate
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
summary | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
time_delta | DOUBLE PRECISION | The difference, in seconds, between the first and last times |
Get the time difference between the first and last gauge readings for each 15-minute interval. Note this difference isn't necessarily equal to 15 minutes * 60 seconds / minute
, because the first and last readings might not fall exactly on the interval boundaries:
SELECTid,bucket,time_delta(summary)FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
rollup(cs GaugeSummary) RETURNS GaugeSummary
This function combines multiple gauge aggregates into one. This can be used to combine aggregates from adjacent intervals into one larger interval, such as rolling daily aggregates into a weekly or monthly aggregate.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
cs | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
Column | Type | Description |
gauge_agg | GaugeSummary | A new gauge aggregate created by combining the input gauge aggregates |
with_bounds(summary GaugeSummary,bounds TSTZRANGE,) RETURNS GaugeSummary
Add time bounds to an already-computed gauge aggregate. Bounds are necessary to use extrapolation accessors on the aggregate.
Required arguments
Name | Type | Description |
cs | GaugeSummary | A gauge aggregate created using gauge_agg |
bounds | TSTZRANGE | A range of timestamptz giving the smallest and largest allowed times in the gauge aggregate |
Column | Type | Description |
gauge_agg | GaugeSummary | A new gauge aggregate with the bounds applied |
Create a gauge aggregate for each id
and each 15-minute interval. Then add bounds to the gauge aggregate, so you can calculate the extrapolated rate:
SELECTid,bucket,extrapolated_rate(with_bounds(summary,time_bucket_range('15 min'::interval, bucket)))FROM (SELECTid,time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts) AS bucket,gauge_agg(ts, val) AS summaryFROM fooGROUP BY id, time_bucket('15 min'::interval, ts)) t
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