Timescale natively supports adding a data retention policy to a hypertable. If you want to add a generic data retention policy to all hypertables, you can create a custom job.
Create a procedure that drops chunks from any hypertable if they are older than the
parameter. To get all hypertables, thetimescaledb_information.hypertables
table is queried.CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE generic_retention (job_id int, config jsonb)LANGUAGE PLPGSQLAS $$DECLAREdrop_after interval;BEGINSELECT jsonb_object_field_text (config, 'drop_after')::intervalINTO STRICT drop_after;IF drop_after IS NULL THENRAISE EXCEPTION 'Config must have drop_after';END IF;PERFORM drop_chunks(format('%I.%I', hypertable_schema, hypertable_name),older_than => drop_after) FROM timescaledb_information.hypertables;END$$;Register the job to run daily. In the
, setdrop_after
to 12 months to drop chunks containing data older than 12 months.SELECT add_job('generic_retention','1d', config => '{"drop_after":"12 month"}');
You can further refine this policy by adding filters to your procedure. For
example, add a WHERE
clause to the PERFORM
query to only drop chunks from
particular hypertables.
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