Timescale lets you downsample and compress chunks by combining a continuous aggregate refresh policy with a compression policy.
If you want to implement features not supported by those policies, you can write a job to downsample and compress chunks instead. The following example downsamples raw data to an average over hourly data. This is an illustrative example, which can be done more simply with a continuous aggregate policy. But you can make the query arbitrarily complex.
Create a procedure that first queries the chunks of a hypertable to determine if they are older than the
parameter. The hypertable in this example is namedmetrics
. If the chunk is not already compressed, downsample it by taking the average of the raw data. Then compress it. A temporary table is used to store the data while calculating the average.CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE downsample_compress (job_id int, config jsonb)LANGUAGE PLPGSQLAS $$DECLARElag interval;chunk REGCLASS;tmp_name name;BEGINSELECT jsonb_object_field_text (config, 'lag')::interval INTO STRICT lag;IF lag IS NULL THENRAISE EXCEPTION 'Config must have lag';END IF;FOR chunk INSELECT show.oidFROM show_chunks('metrics', older_than => lag) SHOW (oid)INNER JOIN pg_class pgc ON pgc.oid = show.oidINNER JOIN pg_namespace pgns ON pgc.relnamespace = pgns.oidINNER JOIN timescaledb_information.chunks chunk ON chunk.chunk_name = pgc.relnameAND chunk.chunk_schema = pgns.nspnameWHERE chunk.is_compressed::bool = FALSELOOPRAISE NOTICE 'Processing chunk: %', chunk::text;-- build name for temp tableSELECT '_tmp' || relnameFROM pg_classWHERE oid = chunk INTO STRICT tmp_name;-- copy downsampled chunk data into temp tableEXECUTE format($sql$ CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE %I ASSELECT time_bucket('1h', time), device_id, avg(value) FROM %s GROUP BY 1, 2;$sql$, tmp_name, chunk);-- clear original chunkEXECUTE format('TRUNCATE %s;', chunk);-- copy downsampled data back into chunkEXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %s(time, device_id, value) SELECT * FROM %I;', chunk, tmp_name);-- drop temp tableEXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I;', tmp_name);PERFORM compress_chunk (chunk);COMMIT;END LOOP;END$$;Register the job to run daily. In the
, setlag
to 12 months to drop chunks containing data older than 12 months.SELECT add_job('downsample_compress','1d', config => '{"lag":"12 month"}');
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