AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to run
code without provisioning or managing servers, scaling automatically as needed.
This page shows you how to integrate AWS Lambda with Timescale Cloud service to process and store time-series data efficiently.
To follow the steps on this page:
Create a target Timescale Cloud service with time-series and analytics enabled.
You need your connection details. This procedure also works for self-hosted TimescaleDB.
- Set up an AWS Account
- Install and configure AWS CLI
- Install NodeJS v18.x or later
Create a table in Timescale Cloud service to store time-series data.
Connect to your Timescale Cloud service
For Timescale Cloud, open an SQL editor in Timescale Console
. For self-hosted, use
.Create a table to store sensor data
CREATE TABLE sensor_data (time TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL,sensor_id TEXT NOT NULL,value DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL);For better performance and easier real-time analytics, convert the table to a hypertable
Hypertables are PostgreSQL tables that automatically partition your data by time. You interact with hypertables in the same way as regular PostgreSQL tables, but with extra features that makes managing your time-series data much easier.
SELECT create_hypertable('sensor_data', 'time');
Write an AWS Lambda function in a Node.js project that processes and inserts time-series data into a Timescale Cloud service.
Initialize a new Node.js project to hold your Lambda function
mkdir lambda-timescale && cd lambda-timescalenpm init -yInstall the PostgreSQL client library in your project
npm install pgWrite a Lambda Function that inserts data into your Timescale Cloud service
Create a file named
, then add the following code:const {Client} = require('pg');exports.handler = async (event) => {const client = new Client({host: process.env.TIMESCALE_HOST,port: process.env.TIMESCALE_PORT,user: process.env.TIMESCALE_USER,password: process.env.TIMESCALE_PASSWORD,database: process.env.TIMESCALE_DB,});try {await client.connect();//const query = `INSERT INTO sensor_data (time, sensor_id, value)VALUES ($1, $2, $3);`;const data = JSON.parse(event.body);const values = [new Date(), data.sensor_id, data.value];await client.query(query, values);return {statusCode: 200,body: JSON.stringify({message: 'Data inserted successfully!'}),};} catch (error) {console.error('Error inserting data:', error);return {statusCode: 500,body: JSON.stringify({error: 'Failed to insert data.'}),};} finally {await client.end();}};
To create an AWS Lambda function that injects data into your Timescale Cloud service:
Compress your code into a
zip -r .Deploy to AWS Lambda
In the following example, replace
with your AWS IAM credentials, then use AWS CLI to create a Lambda function for your project:
aws lambda create-function \--function-name TimescaleIntegration \--runtime nodejs14.x \--role <IAM_ROLE_ARN> \--handler index.handler \--zip-file fileb://lambda-timescale.zipSet up environment variables
In the following example, use your connection details to add your Timescale Cloud service connection settings to your Lambda function:
aws lambda update-function-configuration \--function-name TimescaleIntegration \--environment "Variables={TIMESCALE_HOST=<host>,TIMESCALE_PORT=<port>, \TIMESCALE_USER=<Username>,TIMESCALE_PASSWORD=<Password>, \TIMESCALE_DB=<Database name>}"Test your AWS Lambda function
Invoke the Lambda function and send some data to your Timescale Cloud service:
aws lambda invoke \--function-name TimescaleIntegration \--payload '{"body": "{\"sensor_id\": \"sensor-123\", \"value\": 42.5}"}' \--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \response.jsonVerify that the data is in your service.
Open an SQL editor and check the
table:SELECT * FROM sensor_data;You see something like:
time sensor_id value 2025-02-10 10:58:45.134912+00 sensor-123 42.5
You can now seamlessly ingest time-series data from AWS Lambda into Timescale Cloud.
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