When you have your dataset loaded, you can start constructing some queries to discover what your data tells you. This tutorial uses Timescale hyperfunctions to construct queries that are not possible in standard PostgreSQL.

In this section, you learn how to construct queries, to answer these questions:

When you have your database set up for energy consumption data, you can construct a query to find the median and the maximum consumption of energy on an hourly basis in a typical day.

  1. Connect to the Timescale database that contains the energy consumption dataset.

  2. At the psql prompt, use the Timescale Toolkit functionality to get calculate the fiftieth percentile or the median. Then calculate the maximum energy consumed using the standard PostgreSQL max function:

    WITH per_hour AS (
    FROM kwh_hour_by_hour
    WHERE "time" at time zone 'Europe/Berlin' > date_trunc('month', time) - interval '1 year'
    ORDER BY 1
    ), hourly AS (
    extract(HOUR FROM time) * interval '1 hour' as hour,
    FROM per_hour
    approx_percentile(0.50, percentile_agg(value)) as median,
    max(value) as maximum
    FROM hourly
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY 1;
  3. The data you get back looks a bit like this:

    hour | median | maximum
    00:00:00 | 0.5998949812512439 | 0.6
    01:00:00 | 0.5998949812512439 | 0.6
    02:00:00 | 0.5998949812512439 | 0.6
    03:00:00 | 1.6015944383271534 | 1.9
    04:00:00 | 2.5986701108275327 | 2.7
    05:00:00 | 1.4007385207185301 | 3.4
    06:00:00 | 0.5998949812512439 | 2.7
    07:00:00 | 0.6997720645753496 | 0.8
    08:00:00 | 0.6997720645753496 | 0.8
    09:00:00 | 0.6997720645753496 | 0.8
    10:00:00 | 0.9003240409125329 | 1.1
    11:00:00 | 0.8001143897618259 | 0.9

You can also check how energy consumption varies between weekends and weekdays.

  1. Connect to the Timescale database that contains the energy consumption dataset.

  2. At the psql prompt, use this query to find difference in consumption during the weekdays and the weekends:

    WITH per_day AS (
    FROM kwh_day_by_day
    WHERE "time" at time zone 'Europe/Berlin' > date_trunc('month', time) - interval '1 year'
    ORDER BY 1
    ), daily AS (
    to_char(time, 'Dy') as day,
    FROM per_day
    ), percentile AS (
    approx_percentile(0.50, percentile_agg(value)) as value
    FROM daily
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY 1
    FROM unnest(array['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']) WITH ORDINALITY AS d(day, ordinal)
    LEFT JOIN percentile pd ON lower(pd.day) = lower(d.day);
  3. The data you get back looks a bit like this:

    day | ordinal | value
    Mon | 2 | 23.08078714975423
    Sun | 1 | 19.511430831944395
    Tue | 3 | 25.003118897837307
    Wed | 4 | 8.09300571759772
    Sat | 7 |
    Fri | 6 |
    Thu | 5 |

You may also want to check the energy consumption that occurs on a monthly basis.

  1. Connect to the Timescale database that contains the energy consumption dataset.

  2. At the psql prompt, use this query to find consumption for each month of the year:

    WITH per_day AS (
    FROM kwh_day_by_day
    WHERE "time" > now() - interval '1 year'
    ORDER BY 1
    ), per_month AS (
    to_char(time, 'Mon') as month,
    sum(value) as value
    FROM per_day
    GROUP BY 1
    FROM unnest(array['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']) WITH ORDINALITY AS m(month, ordinal)
    LEFT JOIN per_month pd ON lower(pd.month) = lower(m.month)
    ORDER BY ordinal;
  3. The data you get back looks a bit like this:

    month | ordinal | value
    Jan | 1 |
    Feb | 2 |
    Mar | 3 |
    Apr | 4 |
    May | 5 | 75.69999999999999
    Jun | 6 |
    Jul | 7 |
    Aug | 8 |
    Sep | 9 |
    Oct | 10 |
    Nov | 11 |
    Dec | 12 |
  4. Optional To visualize this in Grafana, create a new panel, and select the Bar Chart visualization. Select the energy consumption dataset as your data source, and type the query from the previous step. In the Format as section, select Table.

  5. Optional Select a color scheme so that different consumptions are shown in different colors. In the options panel, under Standard options, change the Color scheme to a useful by value range.

    Visualizing energy consumptions in Grafana


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