This document addresses frequently asked questions and common scenarios you may encounter during live migration.

Live migration involves several background processes to manage different stages of the migration. The logs of these processes can be helpful for troubleshooting unexpected behavior. You can find these logs in the <volume_mount>/logs directory.

When you migrate a self-hosted or Managed Service for TimescaleDB (MST) database to Timescale, the source database and the destination Timescale Service must run the same version of TimescaleDB.

Before you start live migration:

  1. Check the version of TimescaleDB running on the source database and the target Timescale Service:

    select extversion from pg_extension where extname = 'timescaledb';
  2. If the version of TimescaleDB on the source database is lower than your Timescale Service, either:

    • Downgrade: reinstall an older version of TimescaleDB on your Timescale Service that matches the source database:

      1. Connect to your Timescale Service and check the versions of TimescaleDB available:

        SELECT version FROM pg_available_extension_versions WHERE name = 'timescaledb' ORDER BY 1 DESC;
      2. If an available TimescaleDB release matches your source database:

        1. Uninstall TimescaleDB from your Timescale Service:

          DROP EXTENSION timescaledb;
        2. Reinstall the correct version of TimescaleDB:

          CREATE EXTENSION timescaledb VERSION '<version>';

        You may need to reconnect to your Timescale Service using psql -X when you're creating the TimescaleDB extension.

    • Upgrade: for self-hosted databases, upgrade TimescaleDB to match your Timescale Service.

Live migration logs a warning WARNING: no tuple identifier for UPDATE in table when it cannot determine which specific rows should be updated after receiving an UPDATE statement from the source database during replication. This occurs when tables in the source database that receive UPDATE statements lack either a PRIMARY KEY or a REPLICA IDENTITY setting. For live migration to successfully replicate UPDATE and DELETE statements, tables must have either a PRIMARY KEY or REPLICA IDENTITY set as a prerequisite.

If your PostgreSQL tables use native partitioning, setting REPLICA IDENTITY on the root (parent) table will not automatically apply it to the partitioned child tables. You must manually set REPLICA IDENTITY on each partitioned child table.

Live migration does not support replication from read or failover replicas. You must provide a connection string that points directly to your source database for live migration.

Live migration does not support connection poolers. You must provide a connection string that points directly to your source and target databases for live migration to work smoothly.

No, Timescale Cloud cannot be used as a source database for live migration.

At present, live migration does not allow for excluding schemas or tables from replication, but this feature is expected to be added in future releases. However, a workaround is available for skipping table data using the --skip-table-data flag. For more information, please refer to the help text under the migrate subcommand.


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