For information about new updates and improvement to Timescale Cloud, see the Changelog. For release notes about our downloadable products, see:

  • TimescaleDB - an open-source database that makes SQL scalable for time-series data, packaged as a PostgreSQL extension.
  • TimescaleDB Toolkit - additional functions to ease all things analytics when using TimescaleDB.
  • pgai - brings AI workflows to your PostgreSQL database.
  • pgvectorscale - higher performance embedding search and cost-efficient storage for AI applications on PostgreSQL.
  • pgspot - spot vulnerabilities in PostgreSQL extension scripts.
  • live-migration - a Docker image to migrate data to a Timescale Cloud service.

This documentation is based on TimescaleDB v2.18.0 and compatible products.


Want to stay up-to-date with new releases? On the main page for each repository click Watch, select Custom and then check Releases.


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