Function pipelines are an experimental feature, designed to radically improve how you write queries to analyze data in PostgreSQL and SQL. They work by applying principles from functional programming and popular tools like Python Pandas, and PromQL.


Experimental features could have bugs. They might not be backwards compatible, and could be removed in future releases. Use these features at your own risk, and do not use any experimental features in production.


The timevector() function materializes all its data points in memory. This means that if you use it on a very large dataset, it runs out of memory. Do not use the timevector function on a large dataset, or in production.

SQL is the best language for data analysis, but it is not perfect, and at times it can be difficult to construct the query you want. For example, this query gets data from the last day from the measurements table, sorts the data by the time column, calculates the delta between the values, takes the absolute value of the delta, and then takes the sum of the result of the previous steps:

SELECT device id,
sum(abs_delta) as volatility
SELECT device_id,
abs(val - lag(val) OVER last_day) as abs_delta
FROM measurements
WHERE ts >= now()-'1 day'::interval) calc_delta
GROUP BY device_id;

You can express the same query with a function pipeline like this:

SELECT device_id,
toolkit_experimental.timevector(ts, val)
-> toolkit_experimental.sort()
-> toolkit_experimental.abs()
-> toolkit_experimental.sum() as volatility
FROM measurements
WHERE ts >= now()-'1 day'::interval
GROUP BY device_id;

Function pipelines are completely SQL compliant, meaning that any tool that speaks SQL is able to support data analysis using function pipelines.

Function pipelines are built as a series of elements that work together to create your query. The most important part of a pipeline is a custom data type called a timevector. The other elements then work on the timevector to build your query, using a custom operator to define the order in which the elements are run.

A timevector is a collection of time,value pairs with a defined start and end time, that could something like this:

An example timevector

Your entire database might have time,value pairs that go well into the past and continue into the future, but the timevector has a defined start and end time within that dataset, which could look something like this:

An example of a timevector within a larger dataset

To construct a timevector from your data, use a custom aggregate and pass in the columns to become the time,value pairs. It uses a WHERE clause to define the limits of the subset, and a GROUP BY clause to provide identifying information about the time-series. For example, to construct a timevector from a dataset that contains temperatures, the SQL looks like this:

SELECT device_id,
toolkit_experimental.timevector(ts, val)
FROM measurements
WHERE ts >= now() - '1 day'::interval
GROUP BY device_id;

Function pipelines use a single custom operator of ->. This operator is used to apply and compose multiple functions. The -> operator takes the inputs on the left of the operator, and applies the operation on the right of the operator. To put it more plainly, you can think of it as "do the next thing."

A typical function pipeline could look something like this:

SELECT device_id,
toolkit_experimental.timevector(ts, val)
-> toolkit_experimental.sort()
-> toolkit_experimental.abs()
-> toolkit_experimental.sum() as volatility
FROM measurements
WHERE ts >= now() - '1 day'::interval
GROUP BY device_id;

While it might look at first glance as though timevector(ts, val) operation is an argument to sort(), in a pipeline these are all regular function calls. Each of the calls can only operate on the things in their own parentheses, and don't know about anything to the left of them in the statement.

Each of the functions in a pipeline returns a custom type that describes the function and its arguments, these are all pipeline elements. The -> operator performs one of two different types of actions depending on the types on its right and left sides:

  • Applies a pipeline element to the left hand argument: performing the function described by the pipeline element on the incoming data type directly.
  • Compose pipeline elements into a combined element that can be applied at some point in the future. This is an optimization that allows you to nest elements to reduce the number of passes that are required.

The operator determines the action to perform based on its left and right arguments.

There are two main types of pipeline elements:

  • Transforms change the contents of the timevector, returning the updated vector.
  • Finalizers finish the pipeline and output the resulting data.

Transform elements take in a timevector and produce a timevector. They are the simplest element to compose, because they produce the same type. For example:

SELECT device_id,
toolkit_experimental.timevector(ts, val)
-> toolkit_experimental.sort()
->$$ ($value^3 + $value^2 + $value * 2) $$)
-> toolkit_experimental.lttb(100)
FROM measurements

Finalizer elements end the timevector portion of a pipeline. They can produce an output in a specified format. or they can produce an aggregate of the timevector.

For example, a finalizer element that produces an output:

SELECT device_id,
toolkit_experimental.timevector(ts, val)
-> toolkit_experimental.sort()
-> toolkit_experimental.unnest()
FROM measurements

Or a finalizer element that produces an aggregate:

SELECT device_id,
toolkit_experimental.timevector(ts, val)
-> toolkit_experimental.sort()
-> toolkit_experimental.time_weight()
FROM measurements

The third type of pipeline elements are aggregate accessors and mutators. These work on a timevector in a pipeline, but they also work in regular aggregate queries. An example of using these in a pipeline:

SELECT percentile_agg(val) -> toolkit_experimental.approx_percentile(0.5)
FROM measurements

Transform elements take a timevector, and produce a timevector.

Vectorized math function elements modify each value inside the timevector with the specified mathematical function. They are applied point-by-point and they produce a one-to-one mapping from the input to output timevector. Each point in the input has a corresponding point in the output, with its value transformed by the mathematical function specified.

Elements are always applied left to right, so the order of operations is not taken into account even in the presence of explicit parentheses. This means for a timevector row ('2020-01-01 00:00:00+00', 20.0), this pipeline works:

timevector('2021-01-01 UTC', 10) -> add(5) -> (mul(2) -> add(1))

And this pipeline works in the same way:

timevector('2021-01-01 UTC', 10) -> add(5) -> mul(2) -> add(1)

Both of these examples produce ('2020-01-01 00:00:00+00', 31.0).

If multiple arithmetic operations are needed and precedence is important, consider using a Lambda instead.

Unary mathematical function elements apply the corresponding mathematical function to each datapoint in the timevector, leaving the timestamp and ordering the same. The available elements are:

abs()Computes the absolute value of each value
cbrt()Computes the cube root of each value
ceil()Computes the first integer greater than or equal to each value
floor()Computes the first integer less than or equal to each value
ln()Computes the natural logarithm of each value
log10()Computes the base 10 logarithm of each value
round()Computes the closest integer to each value
sign()Computes +/-1 for each positive/negative value
sqrt()Computes the square root for each value
trunc()Computes only the integer portion of each value

Even if an element logically computes an integer, timevectors only deal with double precision floating point values, so the computed value is the floating point representation of the integer. For example:

-- NOTE: the (pipeline -> unnest()).* allows for time, value columns to be produced without a subselect
toolkit_experimental.timevector(time, value)
-> toolkit_experimental.abs()
-> toolkit_experimental.unnest()).*
FROM (VALUES (TimestampTZ '2021-01-06 UTC', 0.0 ),
( '2021-01-01 UTC', 25.0 ),
( '2021-01-02 UTC', 0.10),
( '2021-01-04 UTC', -10.0 ),
( '2021-01-05 UTC', 3.3 )
) as v(time, value);

The output for this example:

time | value
2021-01-06 00:00:00+00 | 0
2021-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 25
2021-01-02 00:00:00+00 | 0.1
2021-01-04 00:00:00+00 | 10
2021-01-05 00:00:00+00 | 3.3
(5 rows)

Binary mathematical function elements run the corresponding mathematical function on the value in each point in the timevector, using the supplied number as the second argument of the function. The available elements are:

add(N)Computes each value plus N
div(N)Computes each value divided by N
logn(N)Computes the logarithm base N of each value
mod(N)Computes the remainder when each number is divided by N
mul(N)Computes each value multiplied by N
power(N)Computes each value taken to the N power
sub(N)Computes each value less N

These elements calculate vector -> power(2) by squaring all of the values, and vector -> logn(3) gives the log-base-3 of each value. For example:

toolkit_experimental.timevector(time, value)
-> toolkit_experimental.power(2)
-> toolkit_experimental.unnest()).*
FROM (VALUES (TimestampTZ '2021-01-06 UTC', 0.0 ),
( '2021-01-01 UTC', 25.0 ),
( '2021-01-02 UTC', 0.10),
( '2021-01-04 UTC', -10.0 ),
( '2021-01-05 UTC', 3.3 )
) as v(time, value);

The output for this example:

time | value
2021-01-06 00:00:00+00 | 0
2021-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 625
2021-01-02 00:00:00+00 | 0.010000000000000002
2021-01-04 00:00:00+00 | 100
2021-01-05 00:00:00+00 | 10.889999999999999
(5 rows)

Mathematical transforms are applied only to the value in each point in a timevector and always produce one-to-one output timevectors. Compound transforms can involve both the time and value parts of the points in the timevector, and they are not necessarily one-to-one. One or more points in the input can be used to produce zero or more points in the output. So, where mathematical transforms always produce timevectors of the same length, compound transforms can produce larger or smaller timevectors as an output.

A delta() transform calculates the difference between consecutive values in the timevector. The first point in the timevector is omitted as there is no previous value and it cannot have a delta(). Data should be sorted using the sort() element before passing into delta(). For example:

toolkit_experimental.timevector(time, value)
-> toolkit_experimental.sort()
-> toolkit_experimental.unnest()).*
FROM (VALUES (TimestampTZ '2021-01-06 UTC', 0.0 ),
( '2021-01-01 UTC', 25.0 ),
( '2021-01-02 UTC', 0.10),
( '2021-01-04 UTC', -10.0 ),
( '2021-01-05 UTC', 3.3 )
) as v(time, value);

The output for this example:

time | value
2021-01-02 00:00:00+00 | -24.9
2021-01-04 00:00:00+00 | -10.1
2021-01-05 00:00:00+00 | 13.3
2021-01-06 00:00:00+00 | -3.3
(4 rows)

The first row of the output is missing, as there is no way to compute a delta without a previous value.

The fill_to() transform ensures that there is a point at least every interval, if there is not a point, it fills in the point using the method provided. The timevector must be sorted before calling fill_to(). The available fill methods are:

LOCFLast object carried forward, fill with last known value prior to the hole
InterpolateFill the hole using a collinear point with the first known value on either side
LinearThis is an alias for interpolate
NearestFill with the matching value from the closer of the points preceding or following the hole

For example:

toolkit_experimental.timevector(time, value)
-> toolkit_experimental.sort()
-> toolkit_experimental.fill_to('1 day', 'LOCF')
-> toolkit_experimental.unnest()).*
FROM (VALUES (TimestampTZ '2021-01-06 UTC', 0.0 ),
( '2021-01-01 UTC', 25.0 ),
( '2021-01-02 UTC', 0.10),
( '2021-01-04 UTC', -10.0 ),
( '2021-01-05 UTC', 3.3 )
) as v(time, value);

The output for this example:

time | value
2021-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 25
2021-01-02 00:00:00+00 | 0.1
2021-01-03 00:00:00+00 | 0.1
2021-01-04 00:00:00+00 | -10
2021-01-05 00:00:00+00 | 3.3
2021-01-06 00:00:00+00 | 0
(6 rows)

The largest triangle three buckets (LTTB) transform uses the LTTB graphical downsampling algorithm to downsample a timevector to the specified resolution while maintaining visual acuity.

The sort() transform sorts the timevector by time, in ascending order. This transform is ignored if the timevector is already sorted. For example:

toolkit_experimental.timevector(time, value)
-> toolkit_experimental.sort()
-> toolkit_experimental.unnest()).*
FROM (VALUES (TimestampTZ '2021-01-06 UTC', 0.0 ),
( '2021-01-01 UTC', 25.0 ),
( '2021-01-02 UTC', 0.10),
( '2021-01-04 UTC', -10.0 ),
( '2021-01-05 UTC', 3.3 )
) as v(time, value);

The output for this example:

time | value
2021-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 25
2021-01-02 00:00:00+00 | 0.1
2021-01-04 00:00:00+00 | -10
2021-01-05 00:00:00+00 | 3.3
2021-01-06 00:00:00+00 | 0
(5 rows)

The Lambda element functions use the Toolkit's experimental Lambda syntax to transform a timevector. A Lambda is an expression that is applied to the elements of a timevector. It is written as a string, usually $$-quoted, containing the expression to run. For example:

let $is_relevant = $time > '2021-01-01't and $time < '2021-10-14't;
let $is_significant = abs(round($value)) >= 0;
$is_relevant and $is_significant

A Lambda expression can be constructed using these components:

  • Variable declarations such as let $foo = 3; $foo * $foo. Variable declarations end with a semicolon. All Lambdas must end with an expression, this does not have a semicolon. Multiple variable declarations can follow one another, for example: let $foo = 3; let $bar = $foo * $foo; $bar * 10
  • Variable names such as $foo. They must start with a $ symbol. The variables $time and $value are reserved; they refer to the time and value of the point in the vector the Lambda expression is being called on.
  • Function calls such as abs($foo). Most mathematical functions are supported.
  • Binary operations containing the arithmetic binary operators and, or, =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, ^, *, /, +, and - are supported.
  • Interval literals are expressed with a trailing i. For example, '1 day'i. Except for the trailing i, these follow the PostgreSQL INTERVAL input format.
  • Time literals such as '2021-01-02 03:00:00't expressed with a trailing t. Except for the trailing t these follow the PostgreSQL TIMESTAMPTZ input format.
  • Number literals such as 42, 0.0, -7, or 1e2.

Lambdas follow a grammar that is roughly equivalent to EBNF. For example:

Expr = ('let' Variable '=' Tuple ';')* Tuple
Tuple = Binops (',' Binops)*
Binops = Unaryops (Binop Unaryops)*
UnaryOps = ('-' | 'not') UnaryOps | Term
Term = Variable | Time | Interval | Number | Function | '(' Expr ')'
Function = FunctionName '(' (Binops ',')* ')'
Variable = ? described above ?
Time = ? described above ?
Interval = ? described above ?
Number = ? described above ?

The map() Lambda maps each element of the timevector. This Lambda must return either a DOUBLE PRECISION, where only the values of each point in the timevector is altered, or a (TIMESTAMPTZ, DOUBLE PRECISION), where both the times and values are changed. An example of the map() Lambda with a DOUBLE PRECISION return:

toolkit_experimental.timevector(time, value)
->$$ $value + 1 $$)
-> toolkit_experimental.unnest()).*
FROM (VALUES (TimestampTZ '2021-01-06 UTC', 0.0 ),
( '2021-01-01 UTC', 25.0 ),
( '2021-01-02 UTC', 0.10),
( '2021-01-04 UTC', -10.0 ),
( '2021-01-05 UTC', 3.3 )
) as v(time, value);

The output for this example:

time | value
2021-01-06 00:00:00+00 | 1
2021-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 26
2021-01-02 00:00:00+00 | 1.1
2021-01-04 00:00:00+00 | -9
2021-01-05 00:00:00+00 | 4.3
(5 rows)

An example of the map() Lambda with a (TIMESTAMPTZ, DOUBLE PRECISION) return:

toolkit_experimental.timevector(time, value)
->$$ ($time + '1day'i, $value * 2) $$)
-> toolkit_experimental.unnest()).*
FROM (VALUES (TimestampTZ '2021-01-06 UTC', 0.0 ),
( '2021-01-01 UTC', 25.0 ),
( '2021-01-02 UTC', 0.10),
( '2021-01-04 UTC', -10.0 ),
( '2021-01-05 UTC', 3.3 )
) as v(time, value);

The output for this example:

time | value
2021-01-07 00:00:00+00 | 0
2021-01-02 00:00:00+00 | 50
2021-01-03 00:00:00+00 | 0.2
2021-01-05 00:00:00+00 | -20
2021-01-06 00:00:00+00 | 6.6
(5 rows)

The filter() Lambda filters a timevector based on a Lambda expression that returns true for every point that should stay in the timevector timeseries, and false for every point that should be removed. For example:

toolkit_experimental.timevector(time, value)
-> toolkit_experimental.filter($$ $time != '2021-01-01't AND $value > 0 $$)
-> toolkit_experimental.unnest()).*
FROM (VALUES (TimestampTZ '2021-01-06 UTC', 0.0 ),
( '2021-01-01 UTC', 25.0 ),
( '2021-01-02 UTC', 0.10),
( '2021-01-04 UTC', -10.0 ),
( '2021-01-05 UTC', 3.3 )
) as v(time, value);

The output for this example:

time | value
2021-01-02 00:00:00+00 | 0.1
2021-01-05 00:00:00+00 | 3.3
(2 rows)

Finalizer elements complete the function pipeline, and output a value or an aggregate.

You can finalize a pipeline with a timevector output element. These are used at the end of a pipeline to return a timevector. This can be useful if you need to use them in another pipeline later on. The two types of output are:

  • unnest(), which returns a set of (TimestampTZ, DOUBLE PRECISION) pairs.
  • materialize(), which forces the pipeline to materialize a timevector. This blocks any optimizations that lazily materialize a timevector.

These elements take a timevector and run the corresponding aggregate over it to produce a result.. The possible elements are:

  • average()
  • integral()
  • counter_agg()
  • hyperloglog()
  • stats_agg()
  • sum()
  • num_vals()

An example of an aggregate output using num_vals():

SELECT toolkit_experimental.timevector(time, value) -> toolkit_experimental.num_vals()
FROM (VALUES (TimestampTZ '2021-01-06 UTC', 0.0 ),
( '2021-01-01 UTC', 25.0 ),
( '2021-01-02 UTC', 0.10),
( '2021-01-04 UTC', -10.0 ),
( '2021-01-05 UTC', 3.3 )
) as v(time, value);

The output for this example:

(1 row)

An example of an aggregate output using stats_agg():

toolkit_experimental.timevector(time, value)
-> toolkit_experimental.stats_agg()
-> toolkit_experimental.stddev()
FROM (VALUES (TimestampTZ '2021-01-06 UTC', 0.0 ),
( '2021-01-01 UTC', 25.0 ),
( '2021-01-02 UTC', 0.10),
( '2021-01-04 UTC', -10.0 ),
( '2021-01-05 UTC', 3.3 )
) as v(time, value);

The output for this example:

(1 row)

Aggregate accessors and mutators work in function pipelines in the same way as they do in other aggregates. You can use them to get a value from the aggregate part of a function pipeline. For example:

SELECT device_id,
timevector(ts, val) -> sort() -> delta() -> stats_agg() -> variance()
FROM measurements

When you use them in a pipeline instead of standard function accessors and mutators, they can make the syntax clearer by getting rid of nested functions. For example, the nested syntax looks like this:

SELECT approx_percentile(0.5, percentile_agg(val))
FROM measurements

Using a function pipeline with the -> operator instead looks like this:

SELECT percentile_agg(val) -> approx_percentile(0.5)
FROM measurements

Counter aggregates handle resetting counters. Counters are a common type of metric in application performance monitoring and metrics. All values have resets accounted for. These elements must have a CounterSummary to their left when used in a pipeline, from a counter_agg() aggregate or pipeline element. The available counter aggregate functions are:

counter_zero_time()The time at which the counter value is predicted to have been zero based on the least squares fit of the points input to the CounterSummary(x intercept)
corr()The correlation coefficient of the least squares fit line of the adjusted counter value
delta()Computes the last - first value of the counter
extrapolated_delta(method)Computes the delta extrapolated using the provided method to bounds of range. Bounds must have been provided in the aggregate or a with_bounds call.
idelta_left()/idelta_right()Computes the instantaneous difference between the second and first points (left) or last and next-to-last points (right)
intercept()The y-intercept of the least squares fit line of the adjusted counter value
irate_left()/irate_right()Computes the instantaneous rate of change between the second and first points (left) or last and next-to-last points (right)
num_changes()Number of times the counter changed values
num_elements()Number of items - any with the exact same time have been counted only once
num_changes()Number of times the counter reset
slope()The slope of the least squares fit line of the adjusted counter value
with_bounds(range)Applies bounds using the range (a TSTZRANGE) to the CounterSummary if they weren't provided in the aggregation step

Percentile approximation aggregate accessors are used to approximate percentiles. Currently, only accessors are implemented for percentile_agg and uddsketch based aggregates. We have not yet implemented the pipeline aggregate for percentile approximation with tdigest.

approx_percentile(p)The approximate value at percentile p
approx_percentile_rank(v)The approximate percentile a value v would fall in
error()The maximum relative error guaranteed by the approximation
mean()The exact average of the input values.
num_vals()The number of input values

Statistical aggregate accessors add support for common statistical aggregates. These allow you to compute and rollup() common statistical aggregates like average and stddev, more advanced aggregates like skewness, and two-dimensional aggregates like slope and covariance. Because there are both single-dimensional and two-dimensional versions of these, the accessors can have multiple forms. For example, average() calculates the average on a single-dimension aggregate, while average_y() and average_x() calculate the average on each of two dimensions. The available statistical aggregates are:

average()/average_y()/average_x()The average of the values
corr()The correlation coefficient of the least squares fit line
covariance(method)The covariance of the values using either population or sample method
determination_coeff()The determination coefficient (or R squared) of the values
kurtosis(method)/kurtosis_y(method)/kurtosis_x(method)The kurtosis (fourth moment) of the values using either the population or sample method
intercept()The intercept of the least squares fit line
num_vals()The number of values seen
skewness(method)/skewness_y(method)/skewness_x(method)The skewness (third moment) of the values using either the population or sample method
slope()The slope of the least squares fit line
stddev(method)/stddev_y(method)/stddev_x(method)The standard deviation of the values using either the population or sample method
sum()The sum of the values
variance(method)/variance_y(method)/variance_x(method)The variance of the values using either the population or sample method
x_intercept()The x intercept of the least squares fit line

The average() accessor can be called on the output of a time_weight(). For example:

SELECT time_weight('Linear', ts, val) -> average() FROM measurements;

This is an approximation for distinct counts. The distinct_count() accessor can be called on the output of a hyperloglog(). For example:

SELECT hyperloglog(device_id) -> distinct_count() FROM measurements;

You can turn a timevector into a formatted text representation. There are two functions for turning a timevector to text:

timevector(time, value),

This function produces a text representation, formatted according to the format_string. The format string can use any valid Tera template syntax, and it can include any of the built-in variables:

  • TIMES: All the times in the timevector, as an array
  • VALUES: All the values in the timevector, as an array
  • TIMEVALS: All the time-value pairs in the timevector, formatted as {"time": $TIME, "val": $VAL}, as an array

For example, given this table of data:

('2020-1-1', 30.0),
('2020-1-2', 45.0),
('2020-1-3', NULL),
('2020-1-4', 55.5),
('2020-1-5', 10.0);

You can use a format string with TIMEVALS to produce the following text:

SELECT toolkit_experimental.to_text(
timevector(time, value),
) FROM data;
[{\"time\": \"2020-01-01 00:00:00+00\", \"val\": 30}, {\"time\": \"2020-01-02 00:00:00+00\", \"val\": 45}, {\"time\": \"2020-01-03 00:00:00+00\", \"val\": null}, {\"time\": \"2020-01-04 00:00:00+00\", \"val\": 55.5}, {\"time\": \"2020-01-05 00:00:00+00\", \"val\": 10} ]

Or you can use a format string with TIMES and VALUES to produce the following text:

SELECT toolkit_experimental.to_text(
'{\"times\": {{ TIMES }}, \"vals\": {{ VALUES }}}'
) FROM data
{\"times\": [\"2020-01-01 00:00:00+00\",\"2020-01-02 00:00:00+00\",\"2020-01-03 00:00:00+00\",\"2020-01-04 00:00:00+00\",\"2020-01-05 00:00:00+00\"], \"vals\": [\"30\",\"45\",\"null\",\"55.5\",\"10\"]}

This function produces a text representation, formatted for use with Plotly.

For example, given this table of data:

('2020-1-1', 30.0),
('2020-1-2', 45.0),
('2020-1-3', NULL),
('2020-1-4', 55.5),
('2020-1-5', 10.0);

You can produce the following Plotly-compatible text:

SELECT toolkit_experimental.to_plotly(
timevector(time, value)
) FROM data;
{\"times\": [\"2020-01-01 00:00:00+00\",\"2020-01-02 00:00:00+00\",\"2020-01-03 00:00:00+00\",\"2020-01-04 00:00:00+00\",\"2020-01-05 00:00:00+00\"], \"vals\": [\"30\",\"45\",\"null\",\"55.5\",\"10\"]}

This table lists all function pipeline elements in alphabetical order:

abs()Unary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
add(val DOUBLE PRECISION)Binary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
average()Aggregate FinalizerDOUBLE PRECISION
cbrt()Unary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
ceil()Unary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
counter_agg()Aggregate FinalizerCounterAgg
delta()Compoundtimevector pipeline
divBinary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
fill_toCompoundtimevector pipeline
filterLambdatimevector pipeline
floorUnary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
hyperloglogAggregate FinalizerHyperLogLog
lnUnary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
log10Unary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
lognBinary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
lttbCompoundtimevector pipeline
mapLambdatimevector pipeline
materializeOutputtimevector pipeline
modBinary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
mulBinary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
num_valsAggregate FinalizerBIGINT
powerBinary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
roundUnary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
signUnary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
sortCompoundtimevector pipeline
sqrtUnary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
stats_aggAggregate FinalizerStatsSummary1D
subBinary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline
sumAggregate Finalizertimevector pipeline
truncUnary Mathematicaltimevector pipeline


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