The more data you have, the more likely you are to run a more sophisticated analysis on it. When a simple one-level aggregation is not enough, Timescale Cloud lets you create continuous aggregates on top of other continuous aggregates. This way, you summarize data at different levels of granularity, while still saving resources with precomputing.

For example, you might have an hourly continuous aggregate that summarizes minute-by-minute data. To get a daily summary, you can create a new continuous aggregate on top of your hourly aggregate. This is more efficient than creating the daily aggregate on top of the original hypertable, because you can reuse the calculations from the hourly aggregate.

This feature is available in Timescale 2.9 and later.

Creating a continuous aggregate on top of another continuous aggregate works the same way as creating it on top of a hypertable. In your query, select from a continuous aggregate rather than from the hypertable, and use the time-bucketed column from the existing continuous aggregate as your time column.

For more information, see the instructions for creating a continuous aggregate.

In TimescaleDB v2.13 and later, real-time aggregates are DISABLED by default. In TimescaleDB v1.7 to v2.12, real-time aggregates are ENABLED by default.

Real-time aggregates always return up-to-date data in response to queries. They accomplish this by joining the materialized data in the continuous aggregate with unmaterialized raw data from the source table or view.

When continuous aggregates are stacked, each continuous aggregate is only aware of the layer immediately below. The joining of unmaterialized data happens recursively until it reaches the bottom layer, giving you access to recent data down to that layer.

If you keep all continuous aggregates in the stack as real-time aggregates, the bottom layer is the source hypertable. That means every continuous aggregate in the stack has access to all recent data.

If there is a non-real-time continuous aggregate somewhere in the stack, the recursive joining stops at that non-real-time continuous aggregate. Higher-level continuous aggregates don't receive any unmaterialized data from lower levels.

For example, say you have the following continuous aggregates:

  • A real-time hourly continuous aggregate on the source hypertable
  • A real-time daily continuous aggregate on the hourly continuous aggregate
  • A non-real-time, or materialized-only, monthly continuous aggregate on the daily continuous aggregate
  • A real-time yearly continuous aggregate on the monthly continuous aggregate

Queries on the hourly and daily continuous aggregates include real-time, non-materialized data from the source hypertable. Queries on the monthly continuous aggregate only return already-materialized data. Queries on the yearly continuous aggregate return materialized data from the yearly continuous aggregate itself, plus more recent data from the monthly continuous aggregate. However, the data is limited to what is already materialized in the monthly continuous aggregate, and doesn't get even more recent data from the source hypertable. This happens because the materialized-only continuous aggregate provides a stopping point, and the yearly continuous aggregate is unaware of any layers beyond that stopping point. This is similar to how stacked views work in PostgreSQL.

To make queries on the yearly continuous aggregate access all recent data, you can either:

  • Make the monthly continuous aggregate real-time, or
  • Redefine the yearly continuous aggregate on top of the daily continuous aggregate.
Example of hierarchical continuous aggregates in a finance application

When summarizing already-summarized data, be aware of how stacked calculations work. Not all calculations return the correct result if you stack them.

For example, if you take the maximum of several subsets, then take the maximum of the maximums, you get the maximum of the entire set. But if you take the average of several subsets, then take the average of the averages, that can result in a different figure than the average of all the data.

To simplify such calculations when using continuous aggregates on top of continuous aggregates, you can use the hyperfunctions from TimescaleDB Toolkit, such as the statistical aggregates. These hyperfunctions are designed with a two-step aggregation pattern that allows you to roll them up into larger buckets. The first step creates a summary aggregate that can be rolled up, just as a maximum can be rolled up. You can store this aggregate in your continuous aggregate. Then, you can call an accessor function as a second step when you query from your continuous aggregate. This accessor takes the stored data from the summary aggregate and returns the final result.

For example, you can create an hourly continuous aggregate using percentile_agg over a hypertable, like this:

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW response_times_hourly
WITH (timescaledb.continuous)
time_bucket('1 h'::interval, ts) as bucket,
percentile_agg(response_time_ms) as percentile_hourly
FROM response_times
GROUP BY 1, 2;

To then stack another daily continuous aggregate over it, you can use a rollup function, like this:

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW response_times_daily
WITH (timescaledb.continuous)
time_bucket('1 d'::interval, bucket) as bucket_daily,
mean(rollup(percentile_hourly)) as mean,
rollup(percentile_hourly) as percentile_daily
FROM response_times_hourly
GROUP BY 1, 2;

The mean function of the TimescaleDB Toolkit is used to calculate the concrete mean value of the rolled up values. The additional percentile_daily attribute contains the raw rolled up values, which can be used in an additional continuous aggregate on top of this continuous aggregate (for example a continuous aggregate for the daily values).

For more information and examples about using rollup functions to stack calculations, see the percentile approximation API documentation.

There are some restrictions when creating a continuous aggregate on top of another continuous aggregate. In most cases, these restrictions are in place to ensure valid time-bucketing:

  • You can only create a continuous aggregate on top of a finalized continuous aggregate. This new finalized format is the default for all continuous aggregates created since Timescale 2.7. If you need to create a continuous aggregate on top of a continuous aggregate in the old format, you need to migrate your continuous aggregate to the new format first.

  • The time bucket of a continuous aggregate should be greater than or equal to the time bucket of the underlying continuous aggregate. It also needs to be a multiple of the underlying time bucket. For example, you can rebucket an hourly continuous aggregate into a new continuous aggregate with time buckets of 6 hours. You can't rebucket the hourly continuous aggregate into a new continuous aggregate with time buckets of 90 minutes, because 90 minutes is not a multiple of 1 hour.

  • A continuous aggregate with a fixed-width time bucket can't be created on top of a continuous aggregate with a variable-width time bucket. Fixed-width time buckets are time buckets defined in seconds, minutes, hours, and days, because those time intervals are always the same length. Variable-width time buckets are time buckets defined in months or years, because those time intervals vary by the month or on leap years. This limitation prevents a case such as trying to rebucket monthly buckets into 61 day buckets, where there is no good mapping between time buckets for month combinations such as July/August (62 days).

    Note that even though weeks are fixed-width intervals, you can't use monthly or yearly time buckets on top of weekly time buckets for the same reason. The number of weeks in a month or year is usually not an integer.

    However, you can stack a variable-width time bucket on top of a fixed-width time bucket. For example, creating a monthly continuous aggregate on top of a daily continuous aggregate works, and is the one of the main use cases for this feature.


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