Timescale tutorials are designed to help you get up and running with Timescale fast. They walk you through a variety of scenarios using example datasets, to teach you how to construct interesting queries, find out what information your database has hidden in it, and even give you options for visualizing and graphing your results.
- Real-time analytics
- Analytics on energy consumption: make data-driven decisions using energy consumption data.
- Analytics on transport and geospatial data: optimize profits using geospatial transport data.
- Cryptocurrency
- Query the Bitcoin blockchain: do your own research on the Bitcoin blockchain.
- Analyze the Bitcoin blockchain: discover the relationship between transactions, blocks, fees, and miner revenue.
- Finance
- Analyze financial tick data: chart the trading highs and lows for your favorite stock.
- Ingest real-time financial data using WebSocket: use a websocket connection to visualize the trading highs and lows for your favorite stock.
- IoT
- Simulate an IoT sensor dataset: simulate an IoT sensor dataset and run simple queries on it.
- Cookbooks
- Timescale community cookbook: get suggestions from the TimescaleDB Community about how to resolve common issues.
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