You have chosen to migrate your data to Timescale Cloud, thank you. Depending on the amount of data you need to migrate, and the amount of downtime you can afford, we offer the following ways to migrate your data:

Migration strategyUse whenDowntime requirements
Migrate with downtimeUse pg_dump and pg_restore to migrate when you can afford downtime.Some downtime
Live migrationSimplified end-to-end migration with almost zero downtime.Minimal downtime
Dual-write and backfillAppend-only data, heavy insert workload (~20,000 inserts per second) when modifying your ingestion pipeline is not an issue.Minimal downtime

All strategies work to migrate from PostgreSQL, TimescaleDB, AWS RDS, and Managed Service for Timescale. Migration assistance is included with Timescale support. If you encounter any difficulties while migrating your data, consult the troubleshooting page, open a support request, or take your issue to the #migration channel in the community slack, the developers of this migration method are there to help.

You can open a support request directly from the Timescale console, or by email to

If you're migrating your data from another source database type, best practice is export the data from your source database as a .csv file, then import to your Timescale Cloud Service using timescaledb-parallel-copy. For other ingestion methods, see Ingest data from other sources.


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