Timescale supports full SQL, so you don't need to learn a custom query language. This section contains some simple queries that you can run directly on this page. When you have constructed the perfect query, use the copy button to use it on your own database.

Most of the queries in this section look for the last four days of data. This is to account for the fact there are no stock trades over the weekends, and to make sure that you always get some data in your results.

The main building block of all SQL queries is the SELECT statement. It is an instruction to select data from a database. Doing a quick SELECT query is often the first thing you do with a new database, just to make sure that your data is stored in your database in the way you expect it to be.

This first section uses a SELECT statement to ask your database to return every column, represented by the asterisk, from the stocks_real_time srt table, like this:

SELECT * FROM stocks_real_time srt

If your table is very big, you might not want to return every row. You can limit the number of rows that get returned with a LIMIT clause:

  1. At the command prompt, use the psql connection string from the cheat sheet you downloaded to connect to your database.

  2. At the psql prompt, type this query.


    Get a sneak peek at the results by clicking "Run query" below. This runs the SQL query against a live instance curated by Timescale.

    SELECT * FROM stocks_real_time srt
    LIMIT 10;
    -- Output
  3. Type q to return to the psql prompt.

In the previous section, you saw a selection of rows from the table. Usually, you want to order the rows so that you see the most recent trades. You can change how your results are displayed using an ORDER BY statement.

In this section, you query Tesla's stock with a SELECT query like this, which asks for all of the trades from the stocks_real_time srt table, with the TSLA symbol, and which has day volume data:

SELECT * FROM stocks_real_time srt
WHERE symbol='TSLA' and day_volume is not null

Then, you add an ORDER BY statement to order the results by time in descending order, and also by day volume in descending order. The day volume shows the total number of trades for this stock for the day. Every time another trade occurs, the day volume figure increases by 1. Here is the ORDER BY statement:

ORDER BY time DESC, day_volume desc

Finally, to limit the number of results, you can use a LIMIT clause again:

  1. At the command prompt, use the psql connection string from the cheat sheet you downloaded to connect to your database.

  2. At the psql prompt, type this query:

    SELECT * FROM stocks_real_time srt
    WHERE symbol='TSLA' and day_volume is not null
    ORDER BY time DESC, day_volume desc
    LIMIT 10;
    -- Output

    There are multiple trades every second, but you know that the order is correct, because the day_volume column is ordered correctly.

Timescale has custom SQL functions that can help make time-series analysis easier and faster. In this section, you learn about two common Timescale functions: first to find the earliest value within a group, and last to find the most recent value within a group.

The first() and last() functions retrieve the first and last value of one column when ordered by another. For example, the stock data has a timestamp column called time, and a numeric column called price. You can use first(price, time) to get the first value in the price column when ordered with an increasing time column.

In this query, you start by selecting the first() and last() trading price for every stock in the stocks_real_time srt table for the last four days:

SELECT symbol, first(price,time), last(price, time)
FROM stocks_real_time srt
WHERE time > now() - INTERVAL '4 days'

Then, you organize the results so that you can see the first and last value for each stock together with a GROUP BY statement, and in alphabetical order with an ORDER BY statement, like this:

GROUP BY symbol
ORDER BY symbol

For more information about these functions, see the API documentation for first(), and last().

  1. At the command prompt, use the psql connection string from the cheat sheet you downloaded to connect to your database.

  2. At the psql prompt, type this query:

    SELECT symbol, first(price,time), last(price, time)
    FROM stocks_real_time srt
    WHERE time > now() - INTERVAL '4 days'
    GROUP BY symbol
    ORDER BY symbol
    LIMIT 10;
    -- Output
  3. Type q to return to the psql prompt.

To make it easier to look at numbers over different time ranges, you can use the Timescale time_bucket function. Time buckets are used to group data, so that you can perform calculations over different time periods. Time buckets represent a specific point in time, so all the timestamps for data in a single time bucket use the bucket timestamp.

In this section, you use the same query as the previous section to find the first and last values, but start by organizing the data into 1-hour time buckets. In the last section, you retrieves the first and last value of a column, this time, you retrieve the first and last value for a 1-hour time bucket.

Start by declaring the time bucket interval to use, and give your time bucket a name:

SELECT time_bucket('1 hour', time) AS bucket,

Then, you can add the query in the same way as you used before:

last(price, time)
FROM stocks_real_time srt
WHERE time > now() - INTERVAL '4 days'

Finally, organize the results by time bucket, using the GROUP BY statement, like this:

GROUP BY bucket

For more information about time bucketing, see the time bucket section.

  1. At the command prompt, use the psql connection string from the cheat sheet you downloaded to connect to your database.

  2. At the psql prompt, type this query:

    SELECT time_bucket('1 hour', time) AS bucket,
    last(price, time)
    FROM stocks_real_time srt
    WHERE time > now() - INTERVAL '4 days'
    GROUP BY bucket;
    -- Output
  3. Type q to return to the psql prompt.


    When you create a hypertable, Timescale automatically creates an index on the time column. However, you often need to filter your time-series data on other columns as well. Using indexes appropriately helps your queries perform better. For more information about indexing, see the about indexing section


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